Chapter 1 He tried to ignore Flash calling him Penis, he tried to ignore the fact that he knew every single thing that was being taught to him and could do the work in his sleep, but he mostly ignored his PTSD from watching both Ben and May die in front of him, as well as dying himself. WebPeter Parker Meets the Avengers The Avengers Are Good Bros The Avengers Need a Hug Team as Family There are many characters but I didn't wanna tag a bunch Trans Peter Parker trans peter doesn't really come up he just is Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Tony Stark Has A Heart Peter Parker is a Mess Happy gives him a look, and opens the door for him. Even when he was on the outs with Tony, he still made time to see her., Yep. Well get some food in you. The door clicks shut, leaving the Avengers to think in silence. left kudos on this work! ", Tony throws his hands up in mock surrender. His gambit works, not missing the way both Sam and Steves eyes fall as Peter says, You probably want to cuff me, right?, Steve goes to open his mouth before Sam says, No, were-- were not doing that., Peter inwardly takes the win, forcing his features to remain neutral as Sam says, Lets go, Little Pete. "Also," he adds as an afterthought. "Stop bullying me! WebAfter losing his dad, his friends, and his Aunt May, Peter Parker is trying to move forward with his life despite the grief within him trying to hold him back. They have a shortage on staff. "I though we were closer than this. "Jesus Christ, he's just a kid that's living here for the time being. ____________________ WebVotes. On top of this, hes trying to keep on a brave his face for his pops, maintain his grades at university, and fulfill his duty as Spider-Man on the side. You dont have couches where youre from? Steve asks as Sam moves to the kitchen and starts pulling out some standard breakfast fare from the cabinets and fridge. Chapter 13. avengers fanfic From the way hes interacted with him, Peter had just guessed that it wasnt in this Tony-- that maybe something had happened that made him standoffish, that maybe Parker had reached out and that the Tony of this world was just profoundly uninterested in him. Peter You don't have to hide the fact that you have a son from us, you know. How does a man keep a lasagna in the oven for three hours and, The men in the room freeze as Peters mind starts to race-- only for his mouth to drop when a girl comes up from the hallway, eyeing Peter up and down as if, was the one who needed an explanation. Webavengers fanfiction peter flinches. Father Figure He was awake, but not alone. You have reached the maximum potential a human is able to achieve but I, on the other hand, surpass your potential entirely because my DNA has mutated to become a spider. WebPeter is a little touched starved. look through the books-- rifling through them only to be bored because half of them had been on the summer reading list that Midtown gave and the other half being books that MJ herself had recommended for him to check out. + The first thing he noticed as he was limping through some country he doesn't remember the name of is how blank everyone's skin was. I'm not going to hurt you, or Aunt May. Chapter 8 At least he had Ned and Mj to help, but Ned is out of town for a wedding and Mj only offers a hug when in private. Zoning out, Peter thinks about the way the Avengers have been treating him. A hand suddenly touched his shoulder and his head snapped up; he blinked in the darkness. Avengers (Newsflash: it isn't the equipment or the fancy spandex.). tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Sam laughs at that before Peter just raises an eyebrow as he says, Come on. He had people he needed to save. A gleam enters Mr. Stark's eyes, hard and unyielding. Ben and May divorced before Peters parents died, so when Ben is murdered Peter goes into foster care. They enter the elevator together, moving aside briefly as a woman leaves it. The difference is you save the world, I save the person.". Steve asks with an eyebrow raised, at the same time Tony deadpans, "What.". You need to breath ok?" He glances down at his watch and stands up. "Try not to make a fool of yourself.". Yeah, we do. As the two of them playfully banter back and forth, Peter smiles and nods-- eyes roving the Compound for any kind of familiarity and keeping a mental map of what it looks like in his head. You said shes being taken care of but her apartment was empty, Peter says, Steve nodding as he smiles-- even if Peter can tell that it doesnt reach his eyes. WebPeter is a little touched starved. if its not for a grade, Peter deadpans, Steve chuckling to himself before moving to stand. Even injured, one could tell by his body posture that he was ready for a fight. We all got a little bit of Peter in ourselves, too. Natasha added, her contempt evident. Lets go find mom and say goodbye before I head out. As they walk out he glances back over his shoulder at Peter, gaze softening slightly. "Wanda, no," Tony interrupts immediately. Come on, its this way.. him were either dead, wherever and whatever was going on with May or were convinced of his guilt. From, , this time. For the other guy? Peter says, further delineating himself from the other Peter in an act that he hopes will endear some trust with this Steve. Peter Parker. Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant. Or: Peter Parker gives the Rogues a wake-up call on actions and consequences and what it truly means to be a hero. Peter nods fervently. Isnt that just the same thin-", "What that means, Mr. Rogers, is that my senses are better than yours. Normally, he was fine with putting up with them for a few hours, but Peter had a bad day today and he really didn't want to be dealing with their condescension after helping them out this afternoon. He was covered in them, some were from patrol and some were from growing up in hydra. Before disappearing behind the door, Tony points at Wanda. When he was out of sight, the boy turned back around only to be hit in the chest by a small fist. Look at me kiddo. What happens when you can't save someone in time? That had always been his alibi, anyway. Or, someone.. ", Standing up, Peter moved towards the door. He should probably start getting used to it soon. Sure it's further from Midtown, but having the permission to work on his suit's webbing in Tony's very own restricted lab makes up for it by a long shot. He really didnotneed this right now. The One Where He Has Scars WebPeter's shoulders were hunched up to his ears, and he would occasionally flinch, pulling them up higher, as his head spun to stare at something that caught his attention. Peter whimpered. Peter What I see is someone with the power to kill and holds no remorse for his actions. I'll be fine over here, May. Steve have in the moments when theyre debriefing after having lost someone, bracing himself as he says, Is the May of your world not sick?, Peter blinks a few times, shaking his head quickly as he says, No?. "Wait, what?" There are twisted people that you would never be able to fathom. "Stop that, Wanda. Yeah but uh, this place is a little different than you know, where Im from, Peter says with a shrug and a smile, Steve returning the latter. this He tried to ignore Flash calling him Penis, he tried to ignore the fact that he knew every single thing that was being taught to him and could do the work in his sleep, but he mostly ignored his PTSD from watching both Ben and May die in front of him, as well as dying himself. I'm not going to hurt you, or Aunt May. Peter He was awake, but not alone. had Happy rolled out of the driveway and Peter turned towards the rearview window, watching as Tony went back into the house. Chapter 6 ", Wanda tilts her head. So, here he was, in Avengers' tower, facing a group of adults all sporting looks that ranged from mild disappointment to furious. Sam forgot what it felt like to be helpless. The first digit was a 6 but Sam was quick to hide his hand for the rest-- the doors sliding open as Peter took a tentative step in. Because not only can I hear the baby wailing 4 floors above my apartment, I can also hear a woman, 4 blocks away, begging for someone to save her because she's being raped.". Not bad for a holding cell, Peter tries to joke only for his smile to fall when Sams eyes get cloudy-- realizing that its a profoundly bad joke to make considering that Parker actually Even if you didnt, its not like were ever running out of space.. Don't answer that. The food looks good, though its noticeably different than the array of options that the Compound back in his world has. Tony cupped his cheeks, forcefully turning his head towards him. I thought you liked my cooking, Wilson, Steve says as Peter walks forward, Peter smiling as the two flank him on either side. He tapped his fingers against the cool granite as he risked a glance at the two avengers standing slightly off to the side, waiting patiently for their sandwiches. The fact that Peter "That's because I am 17." 2. Something shifts in Steves expression, Peters memory bringing up the biopsy that May had had a few years ago-- a few months before Ben died and when May "But Ned already knows about Spider-Man!" Until it was. Ross wouldnt allow Peter to be brought here until every security measure possible was agreed to, including a few of us as extra transfer detail. Currently, Peter was lamenting his bad luck - stupid parker luck! "And the child? "Oh! ", "You may think robberies aren't scary, but you don't see it the way I do; the way normal people do. The others freeze then too, Sam holding a loaf of bread before turning to Steve and saying, This is your problem.. But all the secrecy just makes Peter even more curious, wishing more than anything that he could see May and get more answers but also not wanting to use up a favor he may need from the two Avengers later by pushing to meet her. There are a lot of vacant rooms there, and he's lending you one for free. The next few days pass by mostly pleasantly. ", Over the phone, the Iron Man thrusters could be faintly heard. You need to breath ok?" Peter flinches at the very thought of any tech that could do such a thing, the idea of suddenly being unable to access his own enhancements terrifying in its possible consequences. Sam's gentle smile became a knowing smirk. Of course you do, Sam says quickly, just the barest hint of something that Peter cant place. Haven't tried to ignore everything? . Not the bland shit Steve eats., I said that to be nice. Peter The reminder of her just reminded him of May, reminded him of the people who were no doubt missing him back at home-- and worse, Peter thought, having no way of checking how his people in, Peter ran through it in circles, just as he ran through various plans in his head-- the question of how long he would end up staying in this world. I know your stomach mustve been eating you out from the inside. Rogers? Spidey anxiety Peter Peter nods in confirmation. The containment of half of the former Avengers team following what the media dubbed "The Civil War" shook the public. Peter You need to breath ok?" 7.3K 155. by StarkStevePeter. I got time, Peter deadpans, Sam looking up at him only to let out a small huff of laughter. However, after all the fighting he's done in the past months with the team, Sam realizes that he forgot what it felt like to be normal. Peter had been through multiple foster homes, but nobody ever wanted him. Steve rubs his chin, looking weary despite the fact its not even noon. "Stop bullying me! You can't tell me that I dont know what it feels like to not save someone in time. The pitying look in May's eyes makes him feel a little sick inside. Peter Parker has always told himself to put the little guy first. "I, umI was gonna use your lab for a little bit to" He trails off. avengers fanfiction peter flinches Peter hides behind his mask because he is afraid to lose anyone else. Something was definitely wrong. "He's a special case. He doesn't bother taking the suit off right then and there, slipping past May and the burnt dinner and grabbing an orange from the fruit bowl. If Parker WebPeter didnt go to Manhattan very oftenusually only to visit the Avengers Tower whenever he received an invitation, which wasnt often. On top of this, hes trying to keep on a brave his face for his pops, maintain his grades at university, and fulfill his duty as Spider-Man on the side. Its a long story.. Now, a few hours later and his stomach was once again grumbling, alongside the unused adrenaline flowing through his system. And since Sam and I arent exactly on Ross good side, it wasnt a hard decision who was going. Im sorry Peter, but you need to stay here., No buts. Peter's momentarily blinded by the amount of white in the room. You could stop discrediting and questioning my ability just because of my age, thanks. The Third Option - Chapter 2 - Uncertainty_Principle Reassuring," Peter says flatly. At least he had Ned and Mj to help, but Ned is out of town for a wedding and Mj only offers a hug when in private. "Child," Harley teased making Peter whined, hand to his chest as if he was insulted. I could hear your stomach from down the hallway.. Peter couldn't believe it when Tony called. Wait, where are we going? Peter asks, leaping off of the bed before pausing-- making a quick decision to put his hands in front of him as if offering for him to be cuffed. Theres a full carton in the fridge. But it was more than that, a burning curiosity to understand just what Parker had gotten up to and why everyone was so quick to believe that hed murdered all those people. The curiosity isnt quite enough for him to ask directly though, Peter telling himself that its unlikely Sam or Steve would have answers anyway. Wrong! +. Not anymore. Bucky mimics him. ", "This floor can only be accessed by people with a high-status badge." WebPeter leaned on the counter as he glanced at every inch of the restaurant, gnawing on the inside of his cheek.
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