The US Census Bureau makes it clear that the American Community Survey (ACS) is authorized under Sections 141 and 193 of Title 13 of the United States Code, and that compliance with the survey is legally mandatory. A March 2021 national survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation showed that of 1300 HCWs, 48% had not received the COVID-19 vaccine. The American Community Survey is mailed to 2.5% of the American population to collect statistical information for city planning. [19] It seems when the phone number is given, that is when the harassment starts. I read him the 4th Amendment which states, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." I said it sounded like a great idea. You send it in it could become public information. Thetwo statutes at most give the Defendants the authority to conduct a post-census statistical adjustment to ensure the accuracy of the decennial Census, the suit argues. Federal law mandates as much, but the bureau also doesn't seek to penalize individuals who fail to participate. The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Mansoura University institutional research board with approval number: R.22.03.1639. I, too, have been harassed by the Census Bureau. Haven't heard from the ACS people, "government man", or my dorm supervisor since then. The efforts to secure a response to ACS seem fairly on the mark, but the point that seems most lost here is that households chosen for ACS are just part of a statistical sample that is representative of the country as a whole. Nevertheless, fines and legal action are technically possible. I also, as many of you, returned my census form (as I should and as the Constitution requires) but this has gone so far over the line that it's ridiculous. Now whenever we come home, Ms. Nosy Neighbor calls a different census worker who hurries over and tries to get us to answer the door. Aliza Shatzman - President and Founder - The Legal - LinkedIn Census Nonsense - United we stand divided we fall. During dinner a census worker shows up. what is this country coming to? To complete the survey on the internet, visit Then the phone calls started. If you are a business person you could benefit from having accurate demographic information for the United States. They can have my age, race, sex and opinion about corruption in government. The census taker left a note me a note today. Homeownership rates, both overall and for white and Black Americans, have increased since 1994. . Estimates: 1-Year. I let her know that I understood their game and wasn't going to play, and she said she would record me as a refusal. Chinese officials knew nothing about the virus before the pandemic emerged. Our town boasts 90,000 citizens, but we know there are at least an additional 10,000 illegals here (yes, here in Mexifornia). The Census Project works continuously to educate Congress about the critical importance of adequate yearly funding for 2020 Census planning and operations and for the American Community Survey. Smile. The U.S. Census Bureau is suspending efforts to create neighborhood-level statistics on the citizenship and age of residents, using 2020 census data, in the latest rollback of Trump administration. It is confined to determining the number of Representatives [in the House] and imposing direct Taxes among the several States. The information the government is requesting is violating our rights, whether or not it is written in the law. anon88369: Census enumerators have every right to walk onto your property if they are assigned to do a questionnaire for your address. If my birth date is going to help somebody get elected or the state (district) gain an extra seat in the house, then get the expecting mothers' due dates for the year while at it. He was asking questions about me and my wife! Do you think Cass Sunstein knowing how many people, of what age, have physical and emotional disabilities is for the benefit of your family? How much is the regular monthly mortgage payment on this property? Fine, sue me, I dare you, but stop holding me hostage in my home. This summer I sold my house and tried to cancel my FEMA flood insurance. [4] The number of seats in the House of Representatives was established by Congress at 435 in 1911 and capped at that amount by Congress in 1929, although the number was temporarily increased to 437 in 1959 when Alaska and Hawaii were admitted to the Union. How Banks Can Serve Customers with Language Barriers Actually: for thoe who think you can merely fill out the form and not be called, that's a lie! i am not in their rat race, and i do not answer to their color coded political designations. I do not think I should have to give out that kind of information. Under the rule of apportionment, Virginia would have been responsible for 30 percent of the tax. I am not giving my personal information out to anyone authorized by this government. Isn't this harassment? why are they taking polls for illegals? Some of you who refuse to return your forms could possibly look at it from a different angle. First time around it ended with phone calls and then they I was given a $25 gift card at the Home Depot. Finally, she asked me if I was refusing to answer the questions and if I wanted her to put that down. (The car had to pass my house to get to the neighbors.) On saturday he returned but I did not answer the door. The judge summarized that general statements made by the Census Bureau with regard to, say, the support of federal law or that taking the ACS was required by U.S. law fall short of the benchmark necessary to constitute a specific threat of prosecution. Survey/Program: American Community Survey. I say "sorry sir no one here is available and you need to leave." About 40 phone calls to date, some leave messages while others hang up. Being able to have the best information available in targeting a potential market based off this information is invaluable. I found out on a different blog that the OMB# on the front of my ACS is expired. I ignored all of this due to what I had been through. Those of you who are posting "what's the big deal" need to start doing some research on your government and the shady things that go on at the taxpayers' cost. The American Community Survey is an offshoot of the census, but the ACS is done every year. No, they aren't good people just trying to make a living as some might say. Fight the power. I received a phone call from the bureau asking me to read them the info because there were only two days left to respond. With the census bureau losing over 600 laptops, and the current abuses of power, I see no reason to give out the information that they are asking. Clemons v. Dep't of Commerce, 562 U.S. 1105 (2010). Miss. If there are any lawyers out there, we would like you thoughts -- non-attribution of course. Why am I being asked what my age and birthdate are? this is absurd. The funny part is the local grocery store has this job post up. I want to put it in the woodstove and make my house a fortress. We are entitled to "Quiet Enjoyment" of our homes. 1,1 descussion - homework - Currently, Oscar is a 7-year-old boy with They haven't gone so far as to threaten, but I can sense that their tone is getting more firm. I am not telling them anything. When neighbors gave them basic information, apparently the census taker then discussed the fact that they'd looked into tax records for "the residents of our home". 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) Census region x Metro/Non-metro 2020 CPS March Supplement Volunteerism 2021 American Trends Panel Annual Profile Survey/2019 CPS Volunteering & Civic Life Supplement . Thank you for being here. Maybe they should change the name of the survey to "American Communist Survey". We're starved after working all day on our house renovation. [26] I have the kind of front door that has a small window near the top and if people stand on their toes they can peek into my living room. Make the Census people eat this Supreme Court ruling: Neither branch of the legislative department [House of Representatives or Senate], still less any merely administrative body [insert Census Bureau], established by congress, possesses, or can be invested with, a general power of making inquiry into the private affairs of the citizen." I am so glad I found this website. We are so fortunate to live in this country. I threw it away. Perhaps the people who did not answer the questions do not want to end up like the Japanese Americans did during World War II when the census was used to track them down, and it took 50 years to find out about it! I don't want to fill out ACS american community survey. Do I Actual enumeration is required. Each plaintiff claims to have been visited by Census Bureau agents and informed that their response to the American Community Survey is required by law. is a group of online professionals (designers, developers and writers) with years of experience in the legal industry. [2] Jill Wilson, R.I.P., Census Long Form, New Republic, May 12, 2010. Point and go toward your kind of happy. Interesting. Outrageous! These "enumerators" aren't policemen and they can't make you answer their questions or let them into your house. Other countries pay equally and get that ever elusive socialist universal health care. The response does not form an attorney-client relationship, nor is it intended to be anything other than the educated opinion of the author. I am becoming more and more ashamed I fought for this newly founded socialist government. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. [36] Florida v. Royer, 460 U.S. 491, 498 (1983). Do you have a debit card, credit card, a loan, a job, own a house, a car, driver's license? Other than that, the sky is the limit. 55" Class QN85C Samsung Neo QLED 4K Smart TV (2023) I filled out my census. It is against the law to solicit minors so therefore they do not have to be counted in the total. But the Supreme Court is not supreme over the other branches of government; it is supreme only over lower federal courts. 241, 250, of all the rights of the citizen, few are of greater importance or more essential to his peace and happiness than the right of personal security, and that involves, not merely protection of his person from assault, but exemption of his private affairs, books, and papers from inspection and scrutiny of others. I sent an e-mail to headquarters. After 40 years and right before everybody in the country is supposed to reply to the 2010 census? Charlottesville, VA 22906 Why don't you post the number in your family, their names, ethnic profile, give us your address and then, we will consider giving merit to your post. Your results may vary but that was my experience. I refused to answer these as these are not required. Because the rich have been given free passes by laws created by and for the rich, we must beware these so called laws they create. Apparently the obnoxious butt head pounding repeatedly on my door at 10:00 AM (I work at night) was a census worker. Would I really be fined or imprisoned? and see what they make of that. So give them a call or send an e-mail and see if someone there can help stop the phone calls. With enough people, we can make a change. I did call the police on them. Washington and California residents have filed a proposed class action in which they object to being asked to participate in the American Community Survey, which enquires about certain demographic details more specific than those central to the decennial Census. Came back the very next day, and told my husband that he has full authority to open it and if we don't comply then we will be fined anywhere from $100-5000, and the marshal would be accompanying him tomorrow to arrest my husband if we don't comply. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (8-27-2019) SURVEY OF SEXUAL VICTIMIZATION, 2018. [13] He handed me the form which I took and threw in the fireplace, in his view, while he said they'll send more people out. This survey is intrusive and i will not answer it! A man was arrested and charged with attempting to place an explosive or incendiary device on an aircraft after his bag triggered an alarm at Lehigh Valley International Airport in Pennsylvania, US . I get hourly calls during the week. "Isn't that enough?" IE: IRS, DOT, Labor and Industry. 1. Daily calls (five or six) two invasive questionnaires mailed, and now intimidating and threatening phone calls. Those . according to the constitution it limits the government's ability to do anything but enumerate. The reason she looked at you in shock is because her husband didn't know she was there - she'd be fired on the spot and fined if she told her husband that. Thesis: It is best to be professional and courteous when speaking in person and on the phone to the ACS representatives. Well, I wonder what he's thinking now. When I got the second form I mailed it back stating I filled it out already and do not need to fill it out again. Soundbar sold separately. Government entities do illegal things. Census Bureau Table. Does this person have difficulty doing errands alone such as doctor's visits or shopping? You will not be fined. We had mailed the form back the day after we received it. It's 1984 - no wait, I mean 2010. 5) Arrest criminals from Acorn and stop our tax dollars from funding Acorn and other criminal organizations like them. The new research by the Trevor Project, which surveyed nearly 34,000 LGBTQ youth ages 13 to 24 across the United States in fall 2021, also found that Black and nonbinary young people reported . I will not comply. I would feel dirty if I accepted a job with the census. The harassment is ridiculous. Like many, I received the original short census form, completed it and mailed it back immediately. As one responder put it, if you only want to know the number of people, then what does race have to do with it? i love my country and its freedom and its up to us to keep the communism out!! Last night I found an envelope on my door from a census taker. Good Question: Is the 'American Community Survey' real or fake? - WHEC And the survey demands that you violate the privacy of others by supplying the names and addresses of your friends, relatives and employer. Another concern raised by the Brookings Institute is the use of ACS information by law enforcement for crime mapping, a surveillance tool used to predict crime and preemptively target certain neighborhoods for policing. A: According to one report published in early 2014, the government has not prosecuted anyone for refusing to respond to the ACS. She left, but will I be hearing from her again? Not to mention the ethnic origin of any person on a questionnaire is profiling a house. Hard to believe they did not receive it or they lost it. Corrado Rizzi is the Senior Managing Editor of This is all bull. But remember some of these folks have children to feed, too. Still, some citizens do not answer it. I said if this "government guy" wanted to talk to me, I would immediately reserve my right to remain silent until I was represented by counsel. she wouldnt tell him who she was and kept insisting to come in. There were laws in place to protect those people and they were not protected. We sent in the form with the number of people, then called the girl who left a note on our door. First, it may get lost or stolen and second, you don't know who these people are that you are giving it to. Even in police states, they don't ask these questions asked by the Census Bureau for the ACS. You will need the 10-digit user ID included in the mailing your household received. I'll pay the fine if I have to, but I'm not going to let them bully me into submitting to their scare tactics. I have little doubt that the ACS data is already in Israel's possession. I hung up immediately and called the sheriff. Just answer those ten questions, and get on with your life! we have every right to keep our privacy!!!! Neither one of us filled it out, nor mailed it in. Thank you for your time and attention to this, and I expect this matter to be closed. To the small minority who have sneered at me and closed the door, get some help. Polite, firm, refusal. My question is: "Doesn't our government have enough information on us from our mandatory tax returns?" When the government fears the people there is liberty." I told her to "bring it on". Person 30. It features stories on various topics such as housing, employment and population. do i have right to due process? However, we will make it quite clear we will accept the risk and continue to take this stand. Unfortunately, the guy probably already knew the answers to some of the questions. What an imposing questionnaire! Please confirm. We didn't receive phone calls first, we had two visits at 7 p.m. from this lady with her little laptop. And if I were paranoid, I'd be accusing the census takers of taking my new baby's ss card that has still not arrived in my hands in four months! The government is collecting information such as how many rooms we have in our houses, how many acres of land, what time do we leave for work, etc. He claimed he'd be back. give me liberty, or give you death as the old saying goes! He told the guy to just make something up. The assertion by census workers that there is a simple fine of $5,000.00 for not providing the info is total crap! They say they are from the U.S. Dept of Commerce. Have to love how the government pays people to harass you. Complete this form and mail it back as soon as possible. They think that if they exert a little authority, show you a badge, write a stern letter, that you will be too afraid to tell them that they have no right to subject you to this. Remember, they work for you, not the other way around. Then, the phone calls started and they won't stop. [21] and inviting me to contact them if I had any concerns. And you all sound sober and mature, not the lunatic fringe at all. U.S. Census Bureau Notice and Consent Warning You are accessing a United States Government computer network. As a result, they are subject to monetary fines for doing nothing more than keeping the private details of their lives private.. I am an American and this country is no greater than any other. Then we find out she is our next-door neighbor! an American History (Eric Foner) Civil Liberties and Rights. (Same woman who was no longer employed with the census). I was out in my yard and she was yelling at me from a distance. The Institutes mission is twofold: to provide legal services in the defense of civil liberties and to educate the public on important issues affecting their constitutional freedoms. Before the second visit, I posted a 'no trespassing' sign at the bottom of the stairway leading up to my garage apartment. This second survey is going right in the burner. Since direct taxes must be apportioned based on population, an enumeration is needed to determine the percentage of tax for each state. Constitutional Q&A: American Community Survey - Rutherford Once at 6:11, 7:15, and then 8:05. My advice based on our experience thus far -- and I am not a lawyer -- just ignore the calls to the best of your ability, and if you answer by accident, simply hang up without conversation. Start here to respond: Responder en espaol First five digits of User ID:Last five digits of User ID Can't find the User ID? I started to take the survey and the more I saw the more upset I got. Lock The census guy showed up here. Perhaps act so insanely crazy they will be glad to leave. Typically, the Census Bureau will telephone those who do not respond to the survey and may visit their homes to coerce the targets to respond. Asking for federal money or federal representation is a huge mistake. Eventually, a Census Bureau worker begins calling the home in an effort to elicit answers. About one month later I received a phone call from a supervisor. The name of my employer, my wages for the previous year, the number of exemptions for my house, my social security numbers as well as those of my dependents, my marital status. For example, lets say in 1790, two years after the ratification of the Constitution, Congress prepared a budget and decided to impose a direct tax to raise the needed revenue. What is the North American Industry Classification System? The census is satanic. No one from the Census has ever called you every hour of the day or at 9 p.m. PDF Methodology Since many citizens lack basic knowledge of our Constitution and federalist system, they are easily manipulated by media and academic elites who tell them that judges are the absolute and final arbiters of US law. Do not give them your info! A: The Census Bureau states that information from this survey is used to assist a wide variety of entities, from federal, stateand local governments to private corporations, nonprofit organizations, researchersand public advocacy groups. I asked them what does my birthday have to do with enumeration count of my household? lets hope this isn't all to simply mark people who do and do not comply. US Census, American Community Survey data collection: Beneficial, or Don't you think someone high up already has their * in a wringer over that? Without the enjoyment of this right, all others would lose half their value. [The bracketed words added for clarification], Interstate Commerce Commission v. Brimson, 154 U.S. 447, 479 (May 26, 1894). We got our second ACS in the mail along with a follow up postcard. Read the Constitution. Menu. we demand a trial by jury of our pears, but how many wiggle, squirm and lie every which way to get out of serving when it's their turn? When someone asks my wages, my mortgage information, and what time and where I work, I see this as "seizing personal information." Would you believe they just called again? Hurrah for Senator Michelle Bachmann (MN) who has said, I understand, that she will not fill out this piece of trash. What do you really think they use the information for? Wow this there are so many ignorant people here! Moreover, Title 13 of the U.S. Code allows for monetary penalties only when the ACS's inquiries are within the scope of questions included in the complete census, and only if the Secretary has Tells the stories behind the numbers in a new inviting way. The US Census Bureau says it's an essential tool in collecting relevant and timely data in order to understand and finance local needs for things like roads and schools. In July, I started to receive visits. all the government tries to say if they want you to do something is say "its the law" thinking people will run and do what they say. I do believe that the census information is mostly kept private though after a period of years or decades, it may become public. Section a authorizes every 10 years starting April 1. The Census sites say as much if you read them, something like 'well wee don't really want to fine anyone'. Anyone who took the time to actually read the ACS and understand how sensitive this information is and how unsecured it actually is would join in the outrage and demand that it be given its proper burial in the grave of horrible bureaucratic policy. I may not bother with this anyway. The yahoos on the Hill will continue to usurp our rights. We refused to give information on the cell phone several times. I set it aside. Firm, clear refusal. Whats next from our GOVERNMENT; the police saying your papers please? A concerned citizen. Oh wait, we have a socialist leader now. I told her I wasn't calling anybody. He stated I would receive no further calls from the census but the next contact would be from the Justice department. I hollered at the door that "I'm a crippled senior and DO NOT open my door unless its my kids". she yelled through the door announcing her name & bla bla "census, have some questions for you"..I'll just leave my card & you can call me next week!".
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