Thus the world wide bankers that are also engrained in the FED are not going to lose out on their life styles being affected. Why did update their depopulation report? For the past six year since 2014, a mysterious clandestine website called DEAGEL [] has been predicting (or foreshadowing based on hidden plans) that America would h Easy. From what I can gather, most of the SEO nations fare pretty well, all things considered. It is fragile. Keep in mind that the American Civil War which devastated the Southern States had a 6-8% of the population killed. Limited to making up the shortfall between taxation and government spending, America was lost when the federal reserve act was passed in 1913. The thing is ALL American nuclear submarines carry nuclear missiles. Their night out. And as we'd also pointed out in this April 22nd of 2021 ANP stor y, soon after Deagel was exposed on Doug Casey's International Man website in a story titled "Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast: War, Population Reduction and the Collapse of the West", Deagel's forecast for 2025 got ' nuked ', disappearing from the internet, though . This has given the rise of the supremacy of the emotional arguments over the rational ones which are ignored or deprecated. In China, it is a stable medium of exchange between a producer and a consumer. Mays 31, 2022 . Strange insistence in using a mRNA vaccine instead of a traditional dead host vaccine. June 2, 2022 . Then the Great Harvest of Souls will happen. Interesting times when sparks of honesty reflect the insanity. The Western world success model has been built over societies with no resilience that can barely withstand any hardship, even a low intensity one. The core ruling elites hope to stay in power which is in effect the only thing that really worries them. Even the Trump Rally/fake insurrection: failed to convince bankers that we could quality again as as new nation and ease our or stop our debt. The Deagel corporation was asked to explain the thinking behind its strange set of population and output figures. The United States submarine force consists of four operational classes Ohio, Los Angeles, Seawolf, and Virginia all of which are nuclear-powered. And to confirm how brain-dead the Australian citizenry is, they are not even noticing that the decisions on tariffs, embargoes, trade with China, military alignments with the United States are not going through the proper channels. A second scenario is possible in the 2025-2030 timeframe. It was there last week. September 24, 2021 Lynne Johnson. However, they wont experience the same kind of brutal decline that the Western powers will experience so brazenly. But like Ive been saying all along, the cattle dont need to know what the farmer is planning on having for dinner. Fiscal 2019 3011 (production) funds in the amount of $18,025,770 are being obligated at the time of award. The Shocking 2025 'Deagel' Forecast and Remote - Metallicman The Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) and AztraZeneca vaccines use technology more akin (but not identical) to the dead-virus type, but with major tweaks, which is the best way to explain it. Talk about a television show you used to watch, a movie, a music band, a shared memory and say that you were thinking about them. But first to stay in power and control means staying alive and keeping more of what they have. There was no report that the Russian had such a capability of launching a high precision, multiple, combined arms attack at targets 2,000+ kilometers away. For the past several years dating all the way back to October of 2014, All News Pipeline has been reporting upon the mysterious website and their 'forecast' for '2025 America' that shows our country looking like a completely different nation, with our current population of 327 million people whittled down to a mere 99 million+ by then He put nukes right in Chinas back yard. In it, they predict a 70% reduction in the size of the United States population. That is why Gun culture is pushed hard in Texas and up through the middle of the country. In America, currency is a for-profit mechanism. As of Friday 25th of September their statement read as follows. Dont you know. That simple Geo-political change produces the exact same results as described above. That its the Vaxx thats going to kill all the Christians off, and that it is a master plan by those devious Chinese to steal our precious freedoms and liberties all for Communism! Just go. 10:37 pm 10:37 pm Thus now kids are being ask to take it. The only relevant achievement of the Western powers during the past decade has been the formation of a strategic alliance, both military and economic, between Russia and China. Its in the Pipe. These two facts point to the realization that both Russia and China would fight in a World War III scenario, and that given the current Geo-political alignments at this time that they would fight on the same side for the same interests. Deagel organization predicts massive global depopulation of 50 to 80% by 2025. - Deagel, a true intelligence organization for the US government, predicts a massive. You can go, If you have concerns or complaints, you can go, If you want to make a donation, you can go. The report analyzes countries by projected population size, GDP, defense budget, and more. Russia considers their use the same as detonating a nuclear bomb, Why We Should Stop The Reincarnation Cycle while the year of the Rabbit is cooking,,,, Special forces / Black Ops Submarines (SSGNs): 4, Nuclear-Powered attack submarines (SSNs): 52. At best you might even end up existing in two realms of one digitally manmade and the other spiritual. After COVID we can draw two major conclusions: The Great Reset; like the climate change, extinction rebellion, planetary crisis, green revolution, shale oil () hoaxes promoted by the system; is another attempt to slow down dramatically the consumption of natural resources and therefore extend the lifetime of the current system. Your King Yeshua, Your Redeemer, Your Messiah., Source: Get ready, the inhabitants in the land of AUKUS, your judgement is coming! This contract will repair the Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) missile guidance set. And as we'd also pointed out in this April 22nd of 2021 ANP story, soon after Deagel was exposed on Doug Casey's International Man website in a story titled "Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast: War, Population Reduction and the Collapse of the West", Deagel's forecast for 2025 got 'nuked', disappearing from the . There will be this thing called the rapture and the unworthy will perish in what will become Hell on Earth. Historically a change in the economic paradigm has resulted in a death toll that is rarely highlighted by mainstream historians. The split will fill with water from the Atlantic Ocean effectively creating separate land masses right through the United States up to the Great Lakes. Liberty in Christ - Deagel 2025 Forecast: The First Nuclear War on Stitcher Nope. Japan will lose 1/5th of its population! They will be the four Vanguard-class submarines: Vanguard (commissioned in 1993), Victorious (1995), Vigilant (1996) and Vengeance (1999). The date and timing all agree with the Strauss and Howe model for America. However, the data had been safely archived and was still available for analysis. The data was taken down from Deagel when the website hit the blogosphere, and that is the kind of publicity that no one wants. Nanchang, the lead ship of the Type 055 class, was commissioned amid the pandemic and lockdown in China. FullPDF here, and a web archive of the original Deagel page can be viewed here. can also play a positive role in this. There will never be another major eruption of Yellowstone. A nuclear war is a game with billions of casualties and the collapse plays in the hundreds of millions." - Deagel, September 25, 2020. Based on the novel by Chris Mullin, this political thriller stars Ray McAnally as the newly elected left-wing prime minister Harry Perkins, who soon finds himself up to his neck in conspiracy. And as we'd also pointed out in this April 22nd of 2021 ANP story, soon after Deagel was exposed on Doug Casey's International Man website in a story titled "Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast: War, Population Reduction and the Collapse of the West", Deagel's forecast for 2025 got 'nuked', disappearing from the . Mil. The site is a grey-web site like MM. It recently released a shocking five-year forecast. Here's one f , I've decided to update my Affirmations. With this kind of pedigree, Deagel should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely a disinformation asset. Our insider investments also did not work out in the Middle East with oil pipe lines and lithium (Afghanistan) as a rare power source for powering batteries. The key element to understand the process that the USA will enter in the upcoming decade is migration. To project a American rules based order on the Chinese coast. Deagel predicts that this might be due to migration way from the heavily populated Northern American nations Southward. Deagel has for some time now predicted in its forecast for 2025 a steep decline in US population and that of the world. I agree with you, MM, I agree 100% with the facts you presented here. The AstraZeneca vax is not approved in the US. The most likely candidate is a combination of two (or possibly more) contributors listed above. The United States trying to distract domestic discord through war. GDP: Gross Domestic Product (in USD millions) $2,445,124. (Did not happen.) You see that Asia is unscathed, while America and the West suffer horribly. It could very well resemble something like this. These forecasts from Deagel are officially sanctioned and used by most U.S. govt. The Soviet system was less able to deliver goodies to the people than the Western one. Regardless of any future outcomes, planned or otherwise, my main focus will be on the preservation and continuation of soul. James tackles a question he’s received many, many times over the past seven years: Who or what is (or is that We are not a death or satanic cult or arms dealers as some BS is floating around the internet on this topic. Going to war might seem a quick and easy solution to restore the lost hegemony to finally find them into a France 1940 moment. If China falls for this American trap, it deserves to die. Which is why birth certificates of a countries is ownership of you and a Social Security (life) insurance policy is given to you is a life insurance policy that keeps tracks of your production. Deagle's Last Words | Everything We Know - Before It's News That was from the beginning the most likely outcome. Crime is open and brazen. Indeed, these are truly shocking numbers and values. When the transition from rural areas to large cities happened in Europe many people unable to accept the new paradigm killed themselves. By all accounts, historically, the massive drop in population at this time is validated by the Fourth Turning predictions. The sneaky first strike would involve all Russian missile strategic forces branches (bombers and ground-based missiles) at the different stages of such attack that would be strategic translation of what was seen in Syria in November 2015. If there is not a dramatic change of course the world is going to witness the first nuclear war. That was from the beginning the most likely outcome. Many countries are going to increase their gross population due to immigration while their native population may shrink. Consider. I meet my shadow in the deepening shade; Deagel is known, for example, to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. One thought that nags at me. The COVID crisis will be used to extend the life of this dying economic system through the so called Great Reset. It doesnt matter what the movie is. By the way, no pandemic or nuclear war is included in the forecast. The next move will see the civilization being centered in Asia with Russia and China on top. Its pretty brazen, but then again, these fucking jokers dont really give a damn any longer about what people think. Now that Im officially retired, I can spend a bit more of my time continuing to being as resilient as possible. And the top nations are the most Western nations in society, governance, and banking. However a new trend is taking place overshadowing this one. The first in order to eliminate the German military empire, the second to do the same, after things got out of control while using the same Germany, this time governed by gangsters, to contain the rising of socialism and communism. There have been many questions about the countries forecast specially the one focusing on the United States of America (USA). This award is the result of a sole source acquisition. 6) The SIXTH EVENT is New York City being hit with a tsunamis from an asteroid in the Atlantic Ocean. The situation between the three great powers has changed dramatically. According to the forecast, several countries, especially in Western Europe, showed a significant decline in population by 2025. in episode 80 of Questions For Corbett’. The conclusion was that the US GDP was something between $5 to $10 trillion instead of $15 trillion as officially reported by the USG. We could if our nation had a civil war and thus were recreated a new nation. The Western block collapse may come before, during or after the war. you must really be pissing off the a , Sigh. This model is United States centrist, and acknowledges that different societies and different cultures have different turnings and generational changes. With Brazil being one of the target destinations. A lord of nature weeping to a tree. What if China started placing nuclear armed ICBMs in Indonesia and Tasmania targeting freedom of maritime passage in Australia? padding:20px 20px 20px 20px; We see a significant part of the American population migrating to Latin America and Asia while migration to Europe suffering a similar illness wont be relevant. Add to this immune enhancement, which is showing up in Israel, combined with endless boosters, and well be lucky to make it to 2025. . Federal and Tennessee leaders back plans for more nuclear power in But everything is wiped out about every 24,000years and we start all over again. I have an article about Chinese banking philosophy as opposed to the neo-feudalism model in the West. And that they are used to deal with some sort of hardship. But first, As much debt has to be paid down before our country can downsize just like in any bankruptcy. Since its establishment in 2001, by upholding the banner of Shanghai spirit of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for cultural diversity and pursuit of common development, the SCO has played an important role in promoting regional development, security and stability in the past two decades. I dare you. It was swiftly removed and no traces were left of it. by Doug Casey | International Man International Man: Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world's nation-states. Archives indicate that the website started with no such forecasts in2007. This is not about acquiring nuclear weapons, he said, pledging continued adherence to obligations under the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Deagel 2025 Forecast: The First Nuclear War-Liberty or Death China, Russia and Iran forming a unified Asian block. But this too is unsatisfactory. At least the Oxford/Astra Zeneca one was not a for-profit endeavour, as witnessed by the propaganda campaign against it in the U.S. Deagels report is certainly frightening. The original 13 colonies will consolidate under as well under socialism ( British Monarchy getting their colonies back) . It was assumed, but we got the full confirmation beyond any doubt. That means for us and nations like US the MRNA vaccine is being give to people to weaken their immune system against new forms of various viruses. The location of performance is Saint Charles, Missouri, and work is expected to be completed by April 30, 2026. Provide nuclear basing and deployment options for second-strike nuclear SLBM systems. Take your loved ones out for a nice meal. Forecast 2025 | The Collapse Experiment Once that is completed, then shortly after My Believers will be brought to Me, to be with Me Forever. Today the worlds population is four times greater with air travel in full swing which is by definition a super spreader. margin-top:0px; On 4/20/21,, a military intelligence agency, has deleted their mysterious 2025 forecast spreadsheet that predicted a major collapse of the western countries. Handguns, and weapons are all over America. At that time they never could of imagined the QUAD set up by Mike Pompeo, and that the Morrison government would wholeheartedly want to declare war on China. deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear war amministrazione, finanza e controllo bocconi Haziran 2, 2022. (We are not suggesting that the other 17 are safe.). Subtotal: SRD 0.00. pizzeria la lanterna, crevalcore men . You wanted to know how many people will disappear by 2025? The - reddit Their fate will depend upon the decisions they take in the future. But theres not a peep in the Western press about any of this. JUST REMOVED 2025 FORECAST (predicting a 70% drop in the US population to 99 million) On 4/20/21,, a military intelligence agency, has deleted their mysterious 2025 forecast spreadsheet that predicted a major collapse of the western countries. That money is kept by the US Treasury until your death. But the question remains, what is in that vax? With Chinas return to traditional values, are they really going to continue in an alliance with western international banking powers, out of England of all places? And, most importantly, a [2] bio-weapon or pandemic figured predominantly in their calculus. As for the nuclear submarine fleet, Morrison projected that the country should have a portion of the submarines in the water before 2030. Instead, they figured that it must be a very serious pandemic with some other mystery event that complicated things in a negative manner. We can see the United States claims about 5G being stolen from them by China or hypersonic technology being stolen by Russia as the evidence that the Western elites are also infected by that hubris. How is it that Freemasonry can operate so openly and yet keep its secrets so well hidden? Today China is not a second tier power compared with the United States. That is to suppress China, that far-away nation. deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear war. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, is the contracting activity (FA8681-19-D-0008). Deagel's Mysterious Forecast for 2025 - The White Rose Well, if that is so, then if you read the book of revelation, then you know that the real believers will be spared, and the condemned will be the ones who will end up suffering. As you can see the hardest hit will be America-Babylon. Deagel did NOT change their forecast for 2025. This new disclaimer is meant to single out the situation from 2020 on-wards. Massive failures in Western Intelligence Agencies. The spreadsheet predicted a major drop in the US population from 332 million in 2019 to only 99 million in 2025 (-70%). Dont let a few bad apples sour your outlook. If you cant make a buck, the system collapses. Although Deagel is viewed by the mainstream media and . Well, you see, perhaps we are all looking at this wrong. During this time of destruction, Russia and China will offer to help America due to the destructions. Except, Way Back Machine is here to tell the truth: The Demographic crisis in the former Soviet Union countries has extended for over two decades, if we accept that it ended early in this decade (2010s). strain of Ebola has a death rate of 50-60%. If there is not a dramatic change of course the world is going to witness the first nuclear war. The formerly (known as) second and third world nations are an unknown at this point. For the past six year since 2014, a mysterious clandestine website called DEAGEL [] has been predicting (or foreshadowing based on hidden plans) that America would have a population of 99+ MILLION people left in the year 2025. For those of you who are unaware, Australia has agreed to build bases, staffed by American military, to service American (and British) nuclear submarines until (or well past) 2040 when the Australian versions of those submarines will be manufactured. As COVID has proven Western societies embracing multiculturalism and extreme liberalism are unable to deal with any real hardship. The American standard of living is one of the highest, far more than double of the Soviets while having added a services economy that will be gone along with the financial system. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { The exciting bonus was being hailed as world saviors ,while sacrificing only fracture of what other nations did. Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast War, Population During a meeting of the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association in Beijing last week he said: First off, SEO stands for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Heres a map showing some predictions made in the forecast. The report analyzes countries by projected population size, GDP, defense budget, and more. 1975 But not at that price. Do not get caught up. The casualty figures are gargantuan. He slaughtered about 40 million people and reduced the population of Earth by 11 percent. And, since Great Britain (UK) would be so seriously destroyed, we must assume that Russia would be involved. Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank. sees mass death in western countries between 2020 and 2025 I know you learned something from this experience and will make better, more informed decisions regarding service providers in the future. The good news is that the war will be short lived. They also expressed concern about the new risks in the situation of Afghanistan posed by the hasty withdrawal of foreign troops from the country, and signed jointly the minutes of the meeting of chiefs of general staff of the SCO member states.
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