30 Most Influential Psychologists Working Today He therefore urges us to redirect our energies towards ordinary, everyday experiences with family and friends, if we would be happy. Kahneman and Tversky felt that rational choice theory was unrealistic, and they set out to develop more empirically adequate models by making the more realistic assumption of bounded rationality. According to the theory, many common IQ tests themselves fail to distinguish adequately between linguistic intelligence (verbal fluency), logico-mathematical intelligence (numeracy), and spatial intelligence (the ability to manipulate 2- and 3-D shapes), while several other types of intelligence are not measured at all by standard tests, including kinesthetic intelligence (athletic ability), interpersonal intelligence (social/emotional skill), intrapersonal intelligence (self-knowledge), and aesthetic intelligence (artistic/musical ability). He has received awards too numerous to mention, including the William James Fellow Award for Distinguished Lifetime Contributions to Scientific Psychology. Skinner, B. F. (1947). List of psychologists - Wikipedia It is the original psychodynamic theory and inspired psychologists such as Jung and Erikson to develop their own psychodynamic theories. He is currently Professor of Psychology at the University of York in the UK. Shepard, Toward a Universal Law of Generalization for Psychological Science [PDF], Science, 1987, 237(4820): 13171323. His father was an immigrant to Canada from Poland, while his mother hailed from Ukraine. He is the inventor of the Shepard tone, which is an auditory illusion somewhat analogous to the well-known visual illusions (such the Kanizsa triangle). 2. It also affects a number of mental abilities and some aspects of personality. The idea behind social constructivism is that for human beings reality is neither given by the physical world nor conjured up by the individual mind, but rather constructed collectively by a given society or culture. Bandura has been .more Anatol Rapoport Dec. at 95 (1911-2007) Birthplace: Lozova, Ukraine He eventually published an elegant theory employing simple Bayesian principles, which proved to be one of his most influential papers. Moreover, he has used his insights into the way the mind and body work together to develop training programs in other fields of endeavor, such as sports and business. I was taught by some of the finest educators in both Saudi Arabia and the U.S. He then received his doctorate in 1991 and his Habilitation in 1996, both in psychology and both from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt. He is without a doubt best known for his theory of multiple intelligences-the highly influential idea that the sort of intelligence measured by standardized IQ tests is only one among a variety of types of intelligence deployed by human beings in their interactions with the world around them (especially the social world). The implications of her research for eyewitness testimonyupon which our entire criminal justice system is basedare obvious and troubling. This became known as the marshmallow test after a favorite treat used by investigators. These include immersive virtual environment technology and computer-based automatic sensing. with our physical limitations in mind, so too ought we to design our social world of educational, financial, legal, and political institutions with our cognitive limitations in mind. Co-morbidities of BPD include clinical depression, bipolar disorder, self-harm, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation. John Gierland, Go with the Flow, Wired, September 1, 1996. In addition to personality psychology, his ideas have been influential in the fields of business management and education. The functional roles of the simpler operations can then be more easily studied individually using the techniques already mentioned. (An affordance is an objectively existing feature of an organisms environment that is however co-constructed by structural features of the environment and the organisms own functional capacities; thus, a tree limb exists objectively, but only affords an opportunity for grasping for a creature, like a monkey, capable of using it for that purpose.) Dr. Andrew Meltzoff: Born Learning (CGTN America [China Global Television Network], January 2, 2016). He is the recipient of many grants, fellowships, awards, lectureships, editorships, and honorary degrees. Sternberg is best known for his influential triarchic theory of intelligence, which represented a radical break with the overwhelmingly psychometric approach that had dominated the study of human intelligence up to that time, in favor of a more developmental, cognitive, and biological approach. Enhancing neural function is another research method in biopsychology. As an evidence-based therapy, DBT is considered by many experts to be the most effective treatment available for BPD and allied illnesses. He is currently Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of New Mexico. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Segal, Nancy L and Tellegen, Auke. Died: May 7, 1941. For example, he has used electrooculography (EOG) technology, which precisely tracks eye movements using a set of electrodes surrounding the eyes, to create a new research protocol that bears his name. Next, Haidt turned his attention to developing an empirically based typology of the moral emotions (moral foundations theory). The soul has fled from the cultural battlefield where modern science has carried the day, leaving behind, at best, an ineffable entity we call the mind-which is itself little more than a will-o-the-wisp hovering over the three pounds of pulpy gray matter inside the skull like a ghost lingering about a graveyard long after the funeral. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science(AAAS). For example, in one treatment, a group of mice may be shown a particular color whereas the other treatment may receive no such stimulation before being measured (the dependent variable). Berridge was born in 1957. In 1949, he emigrated to Canada, where he obtained his bachelors and masters degrees in psychology at the University of Toronto. The 1900s saw many significant people dominating the developmental psychology field with their detailed theories of development: Sigmund Freud (1923, 1961), Jean Piaget (1928), Erik Erikson (1959), Lev Vygotsky (1978), John Bowlby (1958), and Albert Bandura (1977). Kurzban has applied similar reasoning to other phenomena such as cooperation, morality, and mate choice (drawing out implications for modern speed dating!). Socio-cultural | Psychology - Gsu He was among the pioneering cohort of psychologists who rejected the then-reigning theory of behaviorism, which programmatically ignored the mental mediation of behavior. Star Wars | Accessories | 4 Pins Mystery Space Bundle Planets Galaxy The IASL also employs the latest in high-tech brain-imaging techniques. As a student of Cosmides, Kurzban belongs to the second generation of evolutionary psychologists (on evolutionary psychology, see the entry for David M. Buss, above). He is currently the William James and Vilas Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8721.2009.01639.x 'Superstition' in the pigeon. While Spelke supports the idea that many or most of our cognitive abilities have an innate, or biological, foundation, after long empirical study she has concluded that there is no evidence for any systematic biological difference between males and females with respect to any of the several cognitive capacities underlying general mathematical ability (numerical reasoning, spatial reasoning, logical reasoning, etc.). Andrew N. Meltzoff and M. Keith Moore, Imitation of Facial and Manual Gestures by Human Neonates [PDF], Science, 1977, 198: 7578. Lesions is a classic method in which a brain-region of interest is enabled. Physiologists conducted experiments on living organisms, a practice that was distrusted by the dominant anatomists of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. London: Hogarth Press, 1980. Tomasello has authored or co-authored more than 650 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, and is the author- co-author, or editor of some dozen books. In recording EEG signals from implants in the brains of free-ranging cats, the team deduced that the activation pattern within an animals hippocampus was isomorphic to the three-dimensional space it was exploring. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 38, 168-172. After a stint at the London School of Economics, he returned to Harvard, where he obtained his Ph.D. in developmental psychology in 1971, working under the supervision of famed developmental psychologist Jerome Bruner and philosopher Nelson Goodman. The recipient of innumerable grants, awards, fellowships, lectureships, and honorary degrees, in 2001 Linehan received the Distinguished Scientist Award bestowed by the Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology, an affiliate of the American Psychological Association(APA). Developing new methods to improve mental health. Pargament has courted controversy by questioning the overwhelmingly rejectionist status quo of the psychology profession, and by maintaining that religious training, preferably along pluralistic lines, ought to be a mandatory component of the education of psychotherapists. In the announcement of that journal, Dunlap writes that the journal will publish research "bearing on the interconnection of mental and physiological functions," which describes the field of biological psychology even in its modern sense.[10]. This particular approach is known as the biopsychosocial model (Figure 1.16). Linehan has revealed that she herself was extremely troubled as an adolescent (in retrospect, she believes she suffered from BPD) and spent two years in a mental hospital, submitting to the relatively crude treatments then available. He is currently Daniel and Amy Starch Research Professor of Psychology (Emeritus) at Harvard University, as well as Co-Faculty at the New England Complex Systems Institute. Lewis was born in France in 1942. Nevertheless, one thing is certain: academic influence doesnt come much greater than this. In this chapter, we extend this discussion to include the theoretical and methodological . In other words, the hippocampus seemed to store a schematic map of the animals environment. As the name suggests, biopsychology explores how our biology influences our behavior. Linehan was initially drawn to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), with its emphasis on helping patients to re-frame their conflicts in a more realistic way to enable them to gain sufficient detachment to bring their emotions under better voluntary control (on CBT, see the entry for Aaron T. Beck, above). Psychologists and . Her professional work has always focused on the emotions, primarily from a biological and cognitive point of view. This idea has important clinical implications, since according to the theory an episodic memory deficit may be due to damage either to the original memory trace or to the retrieval mechanism. She received her bachelors degree in sociology and comparative literature from Brandeis University, and her Ph.D. in social psychology in 1971 from the University of Michigan. Educational psychology is a subfield in psychology focusing on learning, teaching, cognitive development, and other psychological aspects in the classroom setting. Miller has done research in a number of different areas of psychology, above all, in evolutionary psychology, and especially in two sub-fields within that discipline: human sexual selection and the new field of evolutionary consumer psychology. Famous Psychologists: Today, History and List | StudySmarter As a result, the bulk of literature in biological psychology deals with mental processes and behaviors that are shared across mammalian species, such as: Sensation and perception; Motivated behavior (hunger, thirst, sex); Control of movement; Learning and memory; Sleep and biological rhythms; Emotions. The wide-ranging 2009 book in which Gopnik reported these and many other findings to a popular audience, The Philosophical Baby, was a runaway bestseller. This was a highly significant observation for at least two reasons: first, it provided a kind of empirical confirmation that Bayesian networks really do capture something important about scientific reasoning; and, second, it powerfully demonstrated that babies are already capable of employing far more sophisticated methods of discovery than one might have imagined absent such evidence. Through all these methods, biological psychology is a hopeful domain, one that has much to offer in terms of improving the quality of life of the healthy as well as those suffering from disorders. Subsequent empirical research has confirmed that these two abilities are supported by different regions of the brain. In later work, Meltzoff turned his attention to a number of other topics, such as autism, empathy, intention, the infants theory of mind (its ability to understand other peoples intentions), and the neural mechanisms underpinning gaze-following and imitation. Psychoananalytic, behaviourist, biological and cognitive psychology It is hard for us today to appreciate what a radical break Becks cognitive approach represented in the late 1950s and early 1960s, in a field still dominated by Freuds idea that the root cause of most neurosis is sexual repression. He has also proposed a new form of psychotherapy called Time Perspective Theory, which in a nutshell consists of analyzing the temporal aspects of ones own biography according to a positive-negative, past-present-future, six-cell grid, and reframing ones beliefs and emotions accordingly. The word psychology literally means the study of the soul (from the Greek: , or psukh). Bandura began teaching at Stanford in 1953. The result was his first book, originally published in 1977, on the different types of meditative techniques that he found there. In a nutshell, Gergen imported into social psychology the doctrine of social constructivism, which originated in such fields as linguistics (Edward Sapir, Benjamin Whorf), sociology (Alfred Schtz, Peter Berger), anthropology (Franz Boas, Alfred Kroeber, Clifford Geertz), and philosophy (Thomas Kuhn, Nelson Goodman, Michel Foucault). Highly informative resources to keep your education journey on track. Convinced that seemingly irrational behavior usually has a rational explanation, Aronson is also known for what he calls his First Law-namely, People who do crazy things are not necessarily crazy. In 2016, the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) bestowed upon him its prestigious Atkinson Prize. Traditional economic theory had always assumed that human beings are rational actors, which means they can generally be relied upon to act in ways they perceive as furthering their own best interests. He received his bachelors degree in social relations in 1965 at Harvard College, where he came into contact with Erik Erikson. 2: Separation: Anxiety and Anger. Posner is the author or co-author of more than 330 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, and the author, co-author, or editor of books. Descartes also elaborated on a theory in which the pneumatics of bodily fluids could explain reflexes and other motor behavior. In a nutshell, this means that males were better off (in Darwinian terms of contributing genes to future populations) if they chose mates on the basis of appearance as markers of health and fertility, whereas females were better off in the Darwinian sense if they chose mates on the basis of social status as a marker of their ability to supply resources to the female and her offspring. He received his bachelors degree in 1967 from Harvard College, and his Ph.D. in developmental psychology in 1973 from the University of California, Berkeley. (Reaction time [RT] is the temporal lag between the presentation of a stimulus and the subjects response; the measurement of RTs in general is known as mental chronometry.) As she put it many years later: I was in hellAnd I made a vow: when I get out, Im going to come back and get others out of here.[10]. In other words, the nervous system of the organism under study is permanently or temporarily altered, or some aspect of the nervous system is measured (usually to be related to a behavioral variable). 4 Behavioral Theorists That Made Their Mark On Psychology In his popular books, he has focused on the light that he believes psycholinguistics and developmental psychology can throw on the biological roots of morality, religion, literature, and artall the things that, as he puts it, make us human. The master question that his lab raises and attempts to answer is the way in which affective states are generated in the brain, including pleasure, desire and appetite, emotion, and affective valence (the subjective scale from positive to negative value according to which most affective states present themselves to us). Biological psychology as a scientific discipline later emerged from a variety of scientific and philosophical traditions in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Csikszentmihlyi was born in 1934 in Fiume (now Rijeka) in what was then the Kingdom of Italy and is now the Republic of Croatia. By explaining her findings regarding the ease with which false memories can be implanted in peoples mindsand childrens most of allby authority figures, Loftus played a key role in securing justice for those wrongfully accused in such cases, and in bringing this troubling episode of mass hysteria to a close. Ariely was born in New York City in 1967 to an Israeli family living there temporarily. Bounded rationality is the idea that, not only are human actors constrained by emotional factors such as irrational aversions and prejudices, they are simply not very good at reasoning correctly about certain kinds of situations (especially ones involving probabilities). He is currently Zellerbach Family Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, as well as Director of the Penn Positive Psychology Center. 20 April 2015. Aronsons is one of the most famous names in the discipline of social psychology, due in no small part to his best-selling survey of the entire field, entitled The Social Animal, first published in 1972. This experience lay at the root of her determination to study her own condition scientifically. The End of Psychology? IAI TV Gopnik was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1955. He was elected Member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in 2004, and Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1991. After leaving high school early and studying for three years at the University of Chicago, he received his bachelors degree in psychology in 1954 from New York University. He further argues that fundamentally happy people are able to tap into their capacity for flow on a regular basis. 30. Albert Bandura is a Canadian-American psychologist who has made significant contributions to several fields of psychology, such as personality psychology, therapy, and social cognitive theory. He also believed that human beings follow the same trend. In later years, Fahrenberg took an interest in the way in which subjects belief systems, attitudes, and assumptions about human nature interact with elements of personality, as well as, conversely, the way in which philosophical assumptions and concepts impact the theory and practice of psychology professionals. He is the recipient of far too many grants, awards, prizes, honorary degrees, consultancies, and editorships to mention here. Some of the earliest and most famous examples of the biological perspective is ideas brought forth by Charles Darwin. Her conclusions showed that it is easy to convince people that their memories are incorrect, and even to cause them to change what they claim to remember-a phenomenon she dubbed the misinformation effect. Biological Approach By Dr. Saul McLeod, updated 2015 Biological psychology, also called physiological psychology, is the study of the biology of behavior; it focuses on the nervous system, hormones and genetics. While his ideas were often controversial, his concept of the unconscious mind has had a deep and lasting influence on psychology. Spelke has studied these capacities by using a multi-faceted approach, including the investigation of: their origins in human infants and children; their relation to the capacities of nonhuman primates; and their manifestation in diverse cultural settings. His father was an immigrant to Canada from Poland, while his mother hailed from Ukraine. Her work has centered on ecological psychology as it relates to the cognitive development of children, especially the way in which Gibsonian affordance theory throws light on how the mental manipulation of make-believe objects in childrens play is possible, how this unique cognitive capacity develops, and the important role it plays in healthy adult cognitive performance. This is a classic method in which neural activity is enhanced by application of a small electrical current (too small to cause significant cell death). Time flies. One of the founders of scientific psychology, William James (1842-1910), actually treated psychology as a biological science and recognized the importance of the brain for consciousness, but the great Russian physiologist and 1904 Nobel Laureate Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936) might arguably be considered the first Who is the most famous psychologist? List of Famous Anthropologists - Biographies, Timelines, Trivia & Life He is currently Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Management at Claremont Graduate University. He returned to Israel with his family when he was three years old, and grew up in the town of Ramat HaSharon. One set of experimental methods involves disabling or decreasing neural function. The roots of biopsychology began when Charles Darwin formulated his theory of natural selection during his global travels. Freud's psychoanalysis is both a theory and therapy. Sternberg has authored or co-authored over 1400 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, book reviews, op-ed pieces, and other essays for the popular press, as well as authoring, co-authoring, or editing more than 100 books for academic and popular audiences. Linehan has written that her Catholic faith played an important role in her own eventual recovery. Cosmides, who throughout her career has worked closely and published jointly with her husband, anthropologist John Tooby, is one of the founders of the sub-discipline known as evolutionary psychology (see the entry for David M. Buss, above). Using these and other techniques, Schmid Masts most recent work has been focused on such phenomena as the way in which self-perception, physiological arousal, and perceived competence or persuasiveness all interact in a social evaluation situation, both in simulated self-preservation tasks, such as a job interview, and in real-life situations. Gopnik is the author or co-author of more than 150 peer-reviewed journal articles or book chapters, as well as the author, co-author, or editor of six books. He received his bachelors degree in 1960 and his Ph.D. in 1965, both from the University of Chicago. She received her bachelors degree in 1979 from Radcliffe College, and her Ph.D. in 1985 from Harvard University. Buss works in the area known as evolutionary psychology. For example, the expression of "immediate early genes" is thought to be caused by vigorous neural activity. Note: Walter Mischel passed on September 12, 2018. BIOPSYCHOLOGY AND EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY. Biological psychology has its roots in early structuralist and functionalist psychological studies, and as with all of the major perspectives, it has relevance today. Moreover, he is considered to be the founder of social learning theory (later known as social cognitive theory), and has been much concerned with its application to education. From her right flank, as it were, some critics have claimed that her work lacks sufficient empirical support; while from her left flank, she has been charged with essentialism and giving aid and comfort to the patriarchy. Evolutionary Psychology - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy The field of criminology draws on various disciplines including psychology, philosophy, social anthropology, biology, and law. Gilbert was born in 1957. In human beings, mental categorization has both innate (biological) and acquired (learned) aspects. The IASL positions itself at the crossroads of the sub-fields of social psychology, psychophysiology, cognitive science, psycholinguistics, and neuroscience, while also drawing inspiration from such humanistic fields as ethnology and philosophy. Tomasello was born in Bartow, Florida, in 1950. Seligman was born in Albany, New York, in 1942. Evolutionary psychologists attempt to explain widespread and deep-seated human behaviors in terms of selection pressure in the context of the human environment of evolutionary adaptedness (EEA)in our case, the African savannah in the Pleistocene era. The recipient of numerous awards, grants, fellowships, invited lectureships, visiting professorships, board membership appointments, and honorary degrees, Csikszentmihlyi is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the American Psychological Society(APS). In addition, the PRG also developed a number of important tests and personality scales, notably, the Freiburg Personality Inventory (FPI), which is comparable to the American 16PF Questionnaire and is the most frequently used such assessment tool in German-speaking countries. Aronsons work has focused on the social dimension of human motivational systems, such as the structural reasons for prejudice and aggression, as well as more cognitively oriented dimensions, such as cognitive dissonance (the discomfort we feel when some of our beliefs contradict others). After spending the war years in hiding in Nazi-occupied France, the family emigrated to Israel permanently in 1948. The basic idea is that stereotypical male and female mating strategies reflect the selection pressures of the human EEA. He soon moved to the U.S. and earned his MA in 1951 and PhD in 1952 at the University of Iowa. Ekmans careful empirical investigations in this field laid the groundwork for the recent development of the field of affective neuroscience. Loftuss work has focused on human memory. In Gergens relational view of the self, for example, our sense of self is wholly dependent upon the scope for social action afforded us by our place in society. This information, in turn, can be used in a wide variety of ways, in both clinical and experimental settings. Psychology has long placed an emphasis on the contributions of male psychologists such as Sigmund Freud, B.F. Skinner, John B. Watson, and other thinkers. L. "Review of Evans Evolution, ethics and animal psychology. He was the first qualified doctor of medicine and founding father of psychoanalysis. Tavris is the author, co-author, or editor of some 10 books, as well as the author or co-author of more than 300 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, books reviews, op-ed pieces, essays, and other popular writings. He received his bachelors degree in 1950 from Rutgers University, and his Ph.D. in Psychology in 1954 from Yale University. Wundt is widely considered to be the "Father of Psychology" because he established formal psychology as a science rather than an extension of philosophy or biology. This research was conducted mainly to throw light on how the brain functions in natural environments; however, mental rotation tasks have become a standard part of psychologists cognitive assessment toolkit (such as intelligence tests). L. "The mental life of the monkey. The problem is that we are not very good at affective forecasting, which is beset by the kind of cognitive fallacies and illusions studied by several other psychologists on this list (Dan Ariely, Daniel Kahneman).
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