After embarrassing White, Steven finally convinces her to let go of her obsession with perfection and to come to Earth to heal the corrupted Gems. He does, however, manage to get her to realize just how many times she has made Pink cry, and Blue agrees to help him return to Earth, even fighting Yellow to do so, in addition to finally acknowledging him as his own separate being. No matter the situation, Steven will always go out of his way to support his loved ones, even if it means putting his life on the line and he will avoid resorting to violence if possible. Estimated ship dimensions: 0.7 inches length x 6.9 inches width x 9.9 inches height. He was especially frustrated when the Gems wouldn't always tell him the truth about things or how things really were. In the answer, Steven's height is assumed to be 175 cm, but I think that's a teenage Steven height. Uncontrollable age-changing could also potentially be caused by his emotions like most of his powers. Immediately after Sapphire and Ruby's re-fusion in "Jail Break" Garnet acts a lot more emotional and loving towards Steven, indicative of the deep, true love that she has for him that her pre-regeneration self would not, or could not, express. The Behemoth is by far the largest creature seen in either the novella or the film. While not having interacted before at the time, Steven has some form of emotional link with Blue Diamond. Post-Episode: s06e19 I Am My Monster - Archive of Our Own monster steven height. When Steven contacts her in "Escapism", she and Greg silently agree to help him. It (also known as Pennywise) is the secondary antagonist of the Stephen King multiverse. As revealed in "Steven vs. Amethyst" though, he has doubts that he cannot measure up to Rose's greatness, which is why he works diligently to become a worthy successor to her legacy. This means it can take 19 damage without dying. He would much rather make a compromise and choose to reason than fight back. I can see how she was good and bad and bad and good. However, this remains unspecified. Steven later calls her the most mature Crystal Gem in that episode. Spouse. In "Volleyball", Pink Pearl visits him in his clinic for healing Gems, as she entrusts him with fixing her cracked eye. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In "The Future", Lion warps Connie to see Steven and is last seen with them as they make plans to meet up while Steven travels around the world and eventually settles elsewhere, with the two intending to use his warp powers to maintain their relationship. However, Steven heals her gem with his healing spit and the two share a laugh over their predicament. This could hint he is sorry and is trying to be more respectful to her desires. During the play, he waves to her while she is encouraging him. She was created 6,000 years prior to the events of the movie to comfort the lonely Pink Diamond, who had lost her first Pearl to White Diamond. Steven did not know how to feel about Peridot when they first met, but he seems to want to befriend her in "Marble Madness", approaching her without fear and even trying to have a friendly conversation with her. Steven suggests to Yellow that she should try failing which Yellow responds to by laughing hysterically. After Peridot steps out in the rain, she claims she has made up her mind about telling information about the Cluster, leading to Steven permitting to go to the Prime Kindergarten only if they hold hands the entire way, due to Steven having to watch over her. "Growing Pains" showcases the aftermath of Steven's failed proposal to Connie: his body begins shapeshifting out of control due to his emotions, and Connie convinces him to go see a doctor for the first time in his life. This triggers an emotional meltdown and transformation into an actual monster. When Steven returns to Little Homeworld after his fight with Spinel, Bismuth is happy to learn that he is unharmed and greets him along with Lapis and Peridot. When they find a potential way home, Steven does not want to leave Lars behind, but he is convinced, and instead of high fiving, they hug each other, showing how close they have become since the beginning as Lars allows Steven to return home. I just wanted to save everyone, but I couldn't even do that because look -- you're still here. According to an interview with Rebecca Sugar in 2015, the Gem that Steven knew the least about at that point in the show is Pearl. "Fragments" shows a new level of Steven's abilities as he fights Jasper in his pink state, showing increased strength, speed, and the ability to fly. 14 ("The Answer" to "Change Your Mind")15 (Unleash the Light)16 (Steven Universe: The Movie to "The Future"), I changed. These feelings come to the surface in "Rose's Scabbard" where the revelation that Rose had kept secrets from Pearl, her closest friend, and confidant, causes Pearl to break down mentally and run away from Steven and the other Crystal Gems. Steven Universe: The Movie (Original Soundtrack), Steven Universe Future (Original Soundtrack), "Shy", "Hippie", and "Superfan" Rose Quartzes. After capturing Connie, Steven commands her and Topaz to let his friends go, to which Aquamarine uses her wand to hurl Steven towards a tree. "A Very Special Episode" shows that Pearl has come to rely on Steven more as a leader as she begs him to help her with Onion. After it was revealed in "A Single Pale Rose" that Pink Diamond created Rose Quartz as an alias to escape her duties and protect the Earth, Steven admits to Amethyst in "What's Your Problem?" It appeared that as time passed Monster Steven decreased in size; this could be seen that after appearing as tall as the Crystal Temple he later looked only a few meters taller than his fellow Diamonds. "Made of Honor" further shows his enthusiasm for weddings in the form of the wedding planner book he claims to have been putting together his entire life and he shows great zeal in preparing for and performing Ruby and Sapphire's wedding in "Reunited". It is shown that Steven respects her as he always listens whenever she speaks. I can't deal with more horrible thing she did, Okay?! During the chase, Steven seems to care about her when he asks if she is okay after falling off the wall. From what Pearl and the other Diamonds have told him, and from White's reaction to his arrival on Homeworld, Steven appears uneasy and nervous toward White Diamond during their first meeting in "Legs From Here to Homeworld". Monster Steven is . technical difficulties!!! "Made of Honor" and "Reunited" cement Steven's growth and maturity as he forgives Bismuth and accepts her back into the Crystal Gems with Bismuth claiming Steven as the real leader of the Crystal Gems and as he convinces Blue and Yellow Diamond to stop fighting by revealing his identity as Pink Diamond's son/reincarnation. He expresses a strong, enraged demeanor alien to Steven during and after a re-encounter with him at his dad's car wash, and is in a sour mood for the rest of the day. Behemoth | Stephen King's The Mist Wiki | Fandom In the last episode of the 6th StevenBomb, "I Am My Mom", Steven comes to terms with his feelings for Connie and confesses his love to her as he is taken away to Homeworld. When Kevin learns of the situation, he, misinterpreting that Steven and Connie were a couple, attempts to get them back together so they can fuse, convincing an emotionally vulnerable and desperate Steven to play it cool and act like life is going well for him without Connie, so that she'll be desperate enough to come to him. It's not just my Gem powers I've forgotten! James Ward-Prowse of Southampton. Steve Perry. Steven first meets Aquamarine while looking for some of his friends who have gone missing. Bei Erweiterung erscheint eine Liste mit Suchoptionen, die die Sucheingaben so ndern, dass sie zur aktuellen Auswahl passen. After Topaz reveals that Lars is still on the ship, Steven tells Aquamarine the deal is off, which only results in Aquamarine taunting him, even pointing at her tear-shaped gem and saying "Look, I'm so moved I'm crying. Steven faces Jasper once again and the two take off in an epic battle. "Prickly Pair" shows that Steven feels he can't talk about his problems with Pearl for fear of her blaming herself and breaking down. He unknowingly comforts her in stating that flaws are important to everyone and asks her to tell the real story of William Dewey. In earlier episodes, Steven was very friendly towards Lars and was oblivious to the fact that he was annoyed by him, often believing it to be harmless jokes. Is that all I'm here for? Aquamarine says she's skeptical of how "a Steven" could also be a "My-Dad", but she accepts it because she wants to leave. In Steven Universe: The Movie, he's bonded enough with his father to fuse with him effortlessly, despite being weakened, becoming Steg. A little while later, Lapis begins to talk to Steven by replaying visions that the mirror has witnessed for the day, and they become good friends, with Steven calling them "Beach Summer Fun Buddies", a nickname to which Lapis agrees. While Steven is typically friendly and kind-hearted by nature, his enthusiasm and excitability can get out of hand and he ends up doing more harm than good. This is Thesecret1070. He is capable of using Gem magic, though it is unknown if he possesses all the abilities of a pure Gem, such as retreating to their gemstone when taking fatal damage. This is because Steven wants Rose to be that way. Unfortunately, when Jasper addresses him as "my Diamond" after reforming Steven is left reeling with horror as he realizes that by shattering Jasper out of aggression, he has broken his principles and seemingly become the one person he fought against being compared to for so long: his mother. He also wears cuffed blue jeans and salmon-pink flip-flop sandals. "Little Graduation" shows he is suffering from anxiety as all his friends move on with their lives and "Prickly Pair" shows his growing anxieties with himself and his relationships with the Gems. The top 50 drafted NHL prospects ranking, 2023 edition: 1. STEVEN UNIVERSE - I Am My Monster | EPIC ORCHESTRAL REMIX Steven looks up to his caretakers Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl and considers them family. Everything is not fine. In "Reformed", Steven misses Amethyst once the Slinker poofs her, and he also liked her new forms as he found them funny. Steven Trollinger Suche erweitern. He just wanted to meet his mom at first. Steven's new power surges could be referencing the trope of characters who struggle with their inner power, like, Steven's transformation being inflicted according to his emotions is also similar to the transformation of the. During this time he also says his "last words", which are "I love you, Peridot" to her, showing his care for her. Later, when he is knocked out by Yellow Diamond, Connie frantically tries to wake him up, reminding him of their reconstituted promise to always be a team. This shows that both Ruby and Sapphire love and respect Steven enough to listen to him. Using the fall damage formula, we can see that the maximum . Inactive Gems: Rose Quartz Stop trying to be like Jasper. He also gives each of the Crystal Gems a parting gift and shares an emotional farewell with the main three and the townspeople before driving out of Beach City for the foreseeable future. However, after confronting his irrational desire to keep all of his friends close, Steven comes to accept Sadie is happy with Shep and should be allowed to live her own life. In "Three Gems and a Baby", it is revealed that Steven first saw Ruby and Sapphire when he was only a few months old. Although Greg does not live with Steven, they often hang out. He also cries Blue Diamond's tears when he is near her. Fusion Gems: Alexandrite Crazy Lace Agate Garnet Mega Pearl Obsidian (Rose Quartz Fusion) Opal Rainbow Quartz Sardonyx Sugilite I Am My Monster : r/stevenuniverse - reddit He has some connection with him, as Steven is the only one who can enter his pocket dimension. He continued to write short stories and novels, some of which formed the basis for film scripts, including Duel, directed by Steven Spielberg in 1971. During this, she becomes shocked to learn that Steven never told the Gems about going to the hospital, and is even more shocked when he reveals that he shattered Jasper and nearly did the same to White Diamond. When Steven is confronted by his closest peers, he is prodded for information about his problems, with it being learned that Steven never told anyone else about a recent visit to the hospital or other events; after Steven admits to everything, including his intentional shattering of Jasper and attempted destruction of White Diamond to everyone's shock, he finally snaps completely, claiming to no longer be the person he was during the time of the Homeworld Gems and openly denouncing himself as a monster before actually turning into one, demolishing the house with his transformation. Despite initially being shocked at this revelation he states that he can indeed believe it, given that Spinel is not the only one she wronged, though he doesn't hold it against her, not forgetting that she also suffered before and after what she did to her friend. It is a circular, magenta gemstone with a pentagonal facet. 39. oh hail nah they c rrupted my buddy ol pal stephen universe :pensive:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. In "Change Your Mind" Steven heals all of the corrupted Gems, including Nephrite, with the help of Yellow, Blue, and White Diamond. 1990-2012. Steven believes she is not a monster and that he can help heal her in the future. Garnet is the deuteragonist of the animated series, Steven Universe. When he tries to escape, Aquamarine freezes all of them in her wand's tractor beam. It also appears as a minor antagonist . Steven sees the best in everyone and is also very compassionate, something which Pearl notes he inherits from his mother and treasures his friends and family. Greg later rushes to the hospital when Connie calls him to tell him that she's worried about Steven and begs his son to talk to him, eventually calming him down enough to where he returns to normal size after growing enormous from stress. Yellow states that the two and a half words Steven said to White is a new record, implying that White rarely speaks to anyone. Steven quickly realizes how destructive Sugilite is, but does not seem to have any real issues with her and even looks forward to seeing her destroy the Communication Hub again, despite her attempts to destroy Pearl for having left her behind. In "Hit the Diamond", Steven is quick to hug both the Gems when Garnet unfuses, but is distressed over the two ignoring the game to flirt with each other, leading him to give them a pep talk/scolding, which both of them listen to. However, Steven becomes disillusioned after learning his father's backstory was similar to his mother's: Greg was brought up with strict, overbearing parents who controlled his life and never supported his interests which led to him running away to take control of his destiny. In "Bismuth Casual", Steven and Connie go with Pearl and Bismuth to a roller rink to have fun. Steven looked up to Lars very much and wanted to be accepted by him, even once saying he did not mind suffering third-degree burns to receive a high five from him. "Storm in the Room" highlights Steven's anger and confusion towards Rose over her actions and how she "disappeared" leaving him to clean up her mess. Sapphire even goes so far as to cry herself, out of guilt. Not much is known about the relationship between Sapphire, Ruby, and Steven, other than they all care for each other. In "Chille Tid", Steven is horrified by Jasper, and Jasper immediately attempts to attack him in an incoherent fury. Steven is devoted to protecting humanity and helping those in need just as Rose Quartz did, and though her monumental legacy once forced Steven to live in her shadow, he has since surpassed her by ending the authoritarian practices of the Great Diamond Authority and establishing peace across the galaxy. Steven Trollinger auf LinkedIn: Inside Relativity Space's monster In Save the Light, Steven retains all of his abilities in Attack the Light (barring the Escape option) and has some new abilities. Spinel | Villains Wiki | Fandom Yellow, along with Blue, later attempts to assist Steven in escaping Homeworld, but are stopped by White. As a human/Gem hybrid, Steven possesses unique physiology, resembling a fusion of a Gem and a human. "Garnet's Universe": Foxman Hopper Hoppy Ringo These feelings come to a head in "Are You My Dad?" In Steven Universe: The Movie, Bismuth takes on a mentoring role, inspiring Steven to keep fighting and help his friends. . Garnet acts like a lenient and kind mother, always encouraging him and setting a good example. That's got to shift. Answer me! In "Gem Hunt", Steven follows Connie's lead while they are tracking the Gem. Fluctuating Age: Steven can manipulate his age through his state of mind, his physical age depending solely on how old he thinks he is. Steven addresses Onion as if they are good friends. The actress, 44, opted for a long-sleeved, white collared dress, that featured gold buttons running up the centre. figurines than in the show. For example, a Skeleton has 10 hearts (20 health). 2. "Lion 4: Alternate Ending" shows he has become paranoid about anything having to do with Rose and her secrets and in "The Good Lars" calls her a war criminal. While she still believes him to be Pink, she is willing to assist him in curing corruption and enlisting White Diamond's help. In his way, Steven is also shown to be close or equal to Connie in intelligence. Steven is really going to have to turn inward and face himself. Professional Status. In "The Future" Jasper approaches Steven after finding out about his decision to leave Beach City. It was further cemented when Greg completely misses the point after Steven's outburst when he compliments Steven for standing up to him instead of realizing some of Steven's points and the things he did miss out in his life; as Greg compliments Steven, he completely ignores his father, deleting a picture he'd taken of his middle school photo and demonstrating a loss of respect for Greg. LOVE, POVERTY, WAR AND Also by Christopher Hitchens BLOOD, CLASS AND EMPIRE: The Enduring Anglo-American Relationship A LONG SHORT WAR: The Postponed Liberation of Iraq WHY ORWELL MATTERS LEFT HOOKS, RIGHT CROSSES: A Decade of Political Writing (edited with Christopher Caldwell) LETTERS TO A YOUNG CONTRARIAN THE TRIAL OF HENRY KISSINGER BLAMING THE VICTIMS: Spurious Scholarship and the . Bismuth was a member of Rose Quartz's Crystal Gems. Regardless, he asks her how things have been for her, and trusts her with telling him how she got over her vengeful thoughts. He enjoys Crying Breakfast Friends! In "Change Your Mind", Peridot puts her gem on the line to distract White Diamond so Obsidian can climb up the Diamond Mech. The top 15 best passers in the world as of 2023: Global ranking 3-50 (plus full evaluations, 55 honourable mentions, player tiers, and more at @TheAthletic ): . He even stands up on her behalf against the Authority, finally forgiving her for the hardships she unintentionally put him through because he understands that she had been through the same before. Amethyst, shapeshifted as Jasper, tricks the Rubies into thinking she's Jasper and goes to Moon Base with them and Garnet, Pearl, and Steven to file a report to Yellow Diamond. Regardless, Steven is willing to defend Rose, like when he snapped at Lars for insulting her. When Steven is sometimes troubled by the burden of being a Crystal Gem, he takes solace in continuing Rose's legacy by protecting the world like she wanted him to. On Steven turning into a monster. In "Homeworld Bound", Steven becomes highly irritated when Spinel kisses him due to his powers and temper spiraling out of control. However, after learning that Rose was Pink Diamond, Yellow begins to show genuine concern for him. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Monster Steven (Steven Universe Future) Don Robertson/Multi-Farious (Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters) Kaiju . In "Can't Go Back", Lion brings Steven to the Moon Base when Steven discovers The Barn on the moon. By approaching her calmly and feeding her Chaaaaps, Steven managed to calm her down, and later train her. This is somewhat proven when Garnet does not give him advice with Connie at first in "Together Forever", and then lectures him later about how neither Connie nor Stevonnie will fill the hole in his life after his failed proposal attempt. In "Legs From Here to Homeworld", Bismuth gives Steven some sound advice as he departs for Homeworld. Wave height analysis can be tricky, but if confirmed, it would surpass Rodrigo Koxa's 2017 record of 80 feet, also set at . All this "happily ever after" stuff has made me forget the first power I ever had: the power to change! While Steven retains his childlike innocence and obliviousness to the dangers he is put in, his encounters with Homeworld Gems give him a new level of seriousness. In "Legs From Here to Homeworld", Steven heals Nephrite along with Yellow and Blue Diamond, but she immediately reverts to her corrupted state once they take their hands off her. If the Stevens were kept apart each would be focused only on seeking their other half and becoming whole again. Their relationship slightly sours for a while in "Dewey Wins", when Connie gives up in frustration after trying to make Steven understand how much he hurt her by surrendering to Homeworld and asks Lion to take her home. Only when Connie angrily confronts him over this and nearly leaves with Lion again does Steven return to his senses, narrowly stopping them from leaving and, after discovering the reasons behind Connie's silence towards him and that she had always intended to reconcile with him, finally talks things out with her. While talking to her, Lapis refuses his help, saying, "Just let me do this for you!". However, the consequences of his mother's mistakes continue to haunt Steven and those he cares about to his growing frustration. Peridot reveals that it is a direct line of communication to the Diamonds. Vs Steven Universe Future x Pibby FNF Animated but I EDITED - YouTube Actor. In "Together Breakfast", he had a phone that resembles an, However, as of "House Guest", a new phone can be seen on his nightstand and again in ", Steven was taught by Greg how to play the ukulele when he was only a toddler, as shown in the, Steven seemingly can breathe in space, as shown in ". Steve Harmon Character Analysis in Monster | LitCharts After Steven stops her from leaving, and the two finally reconcile, Kevin attempts to get them to fuse, but they instead decide to take their leave on Lion, though not before thanking Kevin for his help and complimenting him on the party, much to his anger. The film won a Hugo award in 1958. Stop it! Steven. In Steven Universe: The Movie, White completely and utterly adores Steven, so much as to sing a song about how much she and the other Diamonds adore him. Soon after, the two enter an asteroid field and "Eyeball"'s gem ends up getting cracked by an asteroid. Bismuth is worried it's because of something she did and offers him a vacation house outside of Little Homeworld. Once Steven goes on a rampage and damages the Crystal Temple, also threatening to destroy Beach City and Little Homeworld, his friends try to restrain him; the Great Diamond Authority and Spinel then arrive and are shocked when told about Steven's condition. He has been able to converse with her on equal footing since they first met and he listens to and absorbs everything she teaches him, showing that while Steven's intelligence is as deep as Connie's he lacks the breadth of her knowledge. As he discovers more about his mother and the effects her actions had he starts to show anger and guilt towards her over what she did. Steven sometimes refers to himself in the third person. Archive Footage: Independent Lens. Duel: Terror Stories by Richard Matheson Kindle Edition Like her constituent Gems, Alexandrite cares deeply for Steven, willing to act as his mother in "Fusion Cuisine" and forming to protect him in "I Am My Mom" and "Reunited". Steven: I'm going to tell them! During their planning of the Era 3 ball in "Together Alone", Steven helps them understand the concept of fun, encouraging them to realize and acknowledge what they enjoy doing. Steven later reunites with Lion and Connie at Kevin's party, and following his reconciliation with the latter, Lion forgives him as well, as he allows Steven to ride on his back again as they and Connie leave the party by his portal, and by "Lars of the Stars", he is shown to once again be under Steven's care and on good terms with him. She also believes it's because she's smothering him. In "Bluebird", "Eyeball" fuses with Aquamarine to get revenge on Steven for changing Homeworld during Era 3, which caused both of them to be cast out and forgotten. Going in for one last hug, Garnet informs him that wherever Steven is, they'll be there. In "The Future" Steven says goodbye to Bismuth as he prepares to leave Beach City. The two Stevens can refuse to recreate Steven's hybrid self. In "Onion Gang", Steven is introduced to Onion's Friends, and after they have to leave town due to summer ending, Steven comforts a sad Onion, saying that he'll always have good memories of the times they had together, and, until next summer, Steven says he has him. Pearl often scolds Amethyst for being too reckless with Steven when she misleads him such as in "Cat Fingers", which Amethyst admits is probably accurate. Steven's name and appearance are based on Rebecca Sugar's brother. While he was only a child, Steven steadily grew from a tag-along to the Crystal Gems into the heart of the team thanks to his kind-hearted nature and resourcefulness. Steven has shown to have some abilities of a regular Gem, but sometimes has little control over them due to not receiving enough training. What's the maximum height mobs can fall from without dying? Humans: Connie Maheswaran In Steven Universe: The Movie, two years after the events of the end of the fifth-season finale "Change Your Mind", Lion, while keeping his typical independent feline traits (such as docility and long naps), has become more loyal to Steven, and seems to perfectly understand him now (likely due to him having matured a lot over the two-year time skip), listening to what Steven says and showing both worries for him during his final conflict with Spinel, and affection after he emerges from it alive and alright. However, Steven cares greatly about and loves her, Amethyst loves and cares about Steven as well but does not show it too much due to her tomboyish attitude. With this, Steven decides to embrace his mother's old role on Homeworld to help convince White Diamond to cure the corrupted Gems on Earth. Jasper: (sigh) I know Farewell, My Diamond. Read reviews and buy Coppola's Monster Film - by Steven Travers (Paperback) at Target. Matt Burnett and Ben Levin stated he learned he was wrong about who Rose was and wonders whether he has to carry the moral greyness she had or if he can be stronger and different.[3]. When the Robonoids attack, Lars nearly has another panic attack, but Steven comforts him, saying that it was okay to be afraid. In "Beach City Drift", it reveals that his negative experience with Kevin in "Alone Together" as Stevonnie carried over to Steven full-force, being one of the few characters in the series Steven possesses hostility towards. However, the aforementioned episode also shows Steven's great emotional vulnerability beforehand and how it can cause him to make impulsive and poor decisions and be subject to manipulation by others; as seen when he sees Connie sporting a new look and her and Lion (who had shared her anger with him over his surrender and stayed with her since after taking her home following their fight) seemingly having a great time at the party without him, and assumes that they've both moved on from him in their anger (mainly due to Connie's seeming complete lack of response to all of Steven's attempts to make amends throughout their estrangement and Lion never returning to Steven after taking her home).
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