The contract manager tries to reassure the health and safety committee that the company has an adequate statement of general policy for health and safety. (5). Other than a general improvement of health and safety, what specific reasons are there for this organization to learn lessons from incidents? Especially frequent near-misses have been reported from the car parking area but not investigated. Improved quality and production speeds. Ethical responsibility: Companies have a social responsibility to operate in an ethical manner, and this includes ensuring the health and safety of their employees. Task 1: Discussing moral reasons for managing health and safety Question 1 In this task I will discuss moral reasons of managing health and safety in surgery. Moral expectation is based on Humanitarian ground. From the scenario we can imagine that the parking area looks a dangerous place, this area has a high potential of having an accident because of poorly and uncontrolled parked cars. Please save your completed answer document with your surname, your first name, your NEBOSH learner number, and your Learning, For example, a learner called Dominic Towlson with the learner number, 12345678, who has taken their course with a Learning Partner called. The engineer confirms that this proposed modification method is a safe and widely used solution where the safety improvements are worth the cost. The suspension of work is also possible in that case the organization will delay the work that will add up in the financial loss. The moral reasons. Development of a schedule of top management safety tours. The contract manager shall revise the safety policy and update it and put the realistic objective. The organization also takes pride in recording low accident and incident rates and investigating any near misses to learn lessons and prevent more serious outcomes. The policy is not displayed on noticeboards. The accident may happen by reversing the cars, and workers or pedestrians may suffer from minor to broken bones, serious injury, and fatality. This proves that the surgery is, As per scenario, there was nothing displayed about health and safety, , it also show that surgery dont take care of morals of health and, are not developed in surgery, as evident from scenario, the dentist has no idea what to do, it is also morally deficiency of surgery about, From scenario, they have begun to really value your advice about health and, as evident from scenario, this is your first, job after qualifying as a dental nurse. I would like know six reasons for promoting good standards of health and safety at the workplace. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. Q. Conduct appropriate and detailed risk assessments. The working conditions show that a serious accident may happen at any time. The repercussions of fires, accidents, and catastrophes are pervasive and have an impact on many people in various ways. MORAL REASONS (Social Concerns) - When good H & S standards are not maintained it will kill . 3099067 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG 2023 Informa UK Limited, Registered in England & Wales No. Focus on the near-miss incident happened in the car parking area, you are assigned to do the investigation, highlight the immediate, underlying, and root causes from the investigation. Prevention of workplace injuries by designing and organising effect and safe workplaces. This can happen over a remarkably short period of time thanks to the rise of instant social media messaging. Of course there are exceptions, but many people will have a sense of not wanting to cause harm to their fellow humans, which is why many managers go above and beyond in terms or organising more training and greater safety controls than are required by law. Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. Implementing health and safety at the workplace is not an option rather it is implemented based on some valid reasons. Both the manager shall welcome the workers to listen to the safety issues and support them to solve these problems. The emotional strain of witnessing a family member's suffering; The financial burden caused by a lack of income. Proactively taking steps to prevent hazards, such as shutting down a machine which poses an immediate danger without waiting for permission or spending time finding and speaking to the manager (somebody else could come along and use the machine whilst they have left it unattended). No one has assessed the risks in the car park. In the given company it is highly important to improve the health and safety culture. Task 1: Discussing moral reasons for managing health and safety . The Health and Safety Adviser, worker representatives, and Plant Manager will also be at the meeting. This chapter seeks to justify health and safety improvements using moral, financial and legal arguments. The organization does not have a channel to consult with the employees, and this requirement of ISO 45001 management system, as well as it is legal requirement under the regulation Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 (as amended) (ref. Imagine if the accident happens to a worker how his life is going to deteriorate. Task 3: Effective health and safety policy arrangements. Safety. You have asked the contracts manager about this, who replied that the safety policy is an important document and is only available if needed for third parties. You have an idea what the problem is, but knowing the limits of your authority, you feel the issue should be escalated to someone more senior. He and his family may become a burden for society or the government. Based on the scenario only, comment on whether the risk assessment is. You have been asked to chair the health and safety committee meeting. Involvement of workers in preparation of risk assessment and safe system of work. The other types of costs may be sustained by the occurrence of the accident due to poor and unsafe working conditions. It employs and retains motivated workers who are aware of their clearly defined and documented responsibilities and want to continuously improve in their roles. Prior to commencing the work, a permit-to-work is issued to the contractors carrying out the tank modification. Duty of care: Employers have a legal and moral obligation to ensure the health and safety of their employees. Some of these control measures include safe systems of work, a permit-to-work system, supplementary emergency arrangements, and suitable induction training for all contractors. The contract manager shall change his irritant behavior, must be reachable to everyone, he must start a consultation program with the workers. The contracts manager has a reputation for being irritable and unapproachable, is only seen when arriving and leaving, and is occasionally abusive if interrupted. Based on the scenario only, comment on the current health and safety culture in the company.(10). Your email address will not be published. Did the breach cause damage or the loss to an individuals person or property? Every employer need to take reasonable care . Whilst this involves a significant number of factors and they are the main proponents of health and safety in the workplace, employees and workers also have a significant role to play in maintaining a safe place of work for themselves and their fellow colleagues. Prepare notes of the moral arguments you will use at the meeting. Assessment Criteria for NEBOSH IG1 Element 1: Discuss the moral, financial and legal reasons for managing health and safety in the workplace. (b) the precautions are reasonable, and the remaining risk is low. I will refer to the number of legal violations in the organization that can lead to the prosecution of the top managers, accidents are a big cause of financial losses to the organizations. Injury and accident lead to pain and suffering not only the victims, also their family members and friends. (10). We weren't able to detect the audio language on your flashcards. Currently, it has become dead, it must be revived, and safety committee meetings shall be held regularly. Promoting well-being: A safe and healthy workplace promotes the well-being of employees and contributes to their overall quality of life. 3) For those temporary workers who are brought in as cover, there will be recruitment costs involved for finding and hiring them, as well as a rise in training expenditure as they will all need to be trained up in how to do the job, along with health and safety training for themselves in order to stay safe in what will be for them an unfamiliar workplace. Another Moral Reason for managing safety is stated by Dr. Tony Boyle in his book Health and Safety: Risk Management as "An expectation on the part of society, in general, those organizations will take reasonable care to ensure that the people and activities they manage do not harm other people or their property". Summarise the main health and safety duties of different groups of people at work. Effective health and safety management should result in the workforce embracing health and safety guidance and adopting safe working practices. Disability and death will have more serious problems not for himself but also for his family. Expand search. You have searched the company intranet and you cannot find this statement of general policy anywhere. Findings from inspections form part of the overall health and safety performance review. As per, surgery has been operating, it indicate that there is no reporting system of. So in pursuit of having a good output out of the business and to provide the best for the employees the first and foremost thing that should be done by an employer is to make the workplace safe for the employees. The working conditions show that a serious accident may happen at any time. When Donoghue was decided, it was thought that duty of care would only be applicable to physical injury and damage to property; however, this has now been extended, in some circumstances, to where there is an only pure economic loss. In developing nations which are undergoing their own industrial revolutions, standards are like they were in Victorian Britain and expectations are understandably much lower. Introducing Cram Folders! In the given scenario, highlight, and comment on important legal violations. The NEBOSH General Certificate is suitable for managers and employees alike as it will provide everyone who attends and dedicates themselves to the learning with a detailed level of knowledge regarding health and safety matters and how to work in a manner which greatly reduces the probability of harm befalling themselves or others nearby. The risk assessment then continues with discussion and agreement on risk evaluation, existing control measures, and any additional control measures necessary. Are you interested in learning more about Health and Safety? Element - 2 NEBOSH IG1 - How health and safety management systems work and what they look like. For me there is only one reason and that is MORAL. Set and review specific, measurable, achievable. It. Floodlights are mounted on the office wall facing the car park. NEBOSH Open book (OBE) model exam paper. Hello, Source: There is not anything in practice to prevent the accident, the operation managers statement nothing to worry about the near miss, it is happening from years, let the people take care of themselves is a blatant deviation from the safety policy. Their behavior and attitude toward health and safety reflect in the conduct of the workers. Comment on the evidence from the scenario that would contribute to the effectiveness of the roles and responsibilities. COSHH Training or NEBOSH General Certificate? Those who have particular duties during an emergency situation such as fire marshals will need to fully understand what is required of them, which may include regular practice drills and exercises. For a health and safety management system to work properly, you need to have clear roles and responsibilities. Click here to navigate to respective pages. NEBOSH General Certificate or the Fire Certificate for Fire Training? Some of the items, such as business loss, may be uninsurable or too prohibitively expensive to insure. There are several moral reasons for managing health and safety in the workplace. To confirm safe working and clarify overall expectations, you, along with an independent site contact have been nominated to monitor and liaise with the contractors. The health and safety culture is negative or positive based on the above four elements that contribute forming of the health and safety culture of an organization. Sometimes workers arrive and leave when it is dark. Therefore, day by day the increasing number of case of an accident in the workplace have been reported. I will now ask you a question - do you think it . The organizations world-class reputation is partly due to carrying out an annual health and safety performance review. You tell the contracts manager that the company is breaking health and safety laws. One of the main reasons for having health and safety in the workplace is a Moral reason. For people to be killed, or seriously injured, or to suffer illness as a consequence of work is clearly wrong. After taking the consent and commitment of the top management we can start the formal health and safety system, which will involve the management and the workers in health and safety. The permit-to-work explains that precautions will be enforced, along with any other site rules, by active monitoring. 4) Companies who get a reputation for being dangerous places to work can often find themselves subject to protests, negative publicity and even boycotts of their products or services. He and his family may become a burden for society or the government. Reporting to management any broken or defective protective equipment or machinery which may be a danger to someone either now or in the near future if it were to deteriorate further. The workers shall not come across with miserable life because of poor safety arrangement. As if the workplace is safe and if the workers are feeling safe they will love to come to work and it will be a safer and happy place to work. Therefore, I must emphasize that senior management shall fulfill their moral obligation to improve workplace safety. When it comes to health and safety in the workplace, many people will think that managers have all of the responsibility for keeping everyone safe from coming to harm through an accident, injury or occupational injury. Answer. Your email address will not be published. The local site and corporate management teams meet by video conference. People who are involved in any type of safety event frequently experience physiological illness in addition to the physical effects on their bodies. The process you operate is running at a reduced production rate, due to a technical problem with a large storage tank containing a highly toxic product. and time-bound (SMART) health and safety objectives. Due to an accident, an organization can have direct and indirect costs. This is particularly important with mental health issues including stress that can be hard to detect but could have a significant effect upon the behaviour and actions of the person. After reviewing the details of the working environment, itis evident that the organization is not fulfilling its responsibility to provide a safe workplace for the workers. OTHM Level 6 diploma in occupational health and safety. The existing safety committee can be a suitable forum to use for the consultations. Difference between NEBOSH IGC and OSHA 30 hours safety course.. Why health and safety professionals shall do the ISO45001 course. In Health & Safety we will often hear or be taught the 3 Reasons to Manage Safely; Moral, Legal & Financial. As per the contract manager, the health and safety policy is an important document and it is only to show the third party, it is a serious violation of ILO OSH 2001 health and safety management guidelines 3.1.1 the health and safety policy shall be available to all employees in the workplace. The workers representative must be included in the safety committee so that the workers participation will be ensured. Please sign in to share these flashcards. Implementing health and safety at the workplace is not an option rather it is implemented based on some valid reasons. Element - 2 NEBOSH IG1 - How health and safety management systems work and what they look like. The repercussions of fires, accidents, and catastrophes are pervasive and have an impact on many people in various ways. They think that because the near-misses arenot resulting in any injury or damage that is why they shall be ignored and not worth investigating. Every employer has the moral obligation to eliminate or reduce the pain & suffering of the workers. It is a legally compliant organization that sets clear objectives and checks that they are met. You and the independent site contact will check to see whether the modification work is being controlled and is progressing as planned. No resources to improve the layout of the car parking. The full version of the risk assessment will be made available on request. Respect for life and dignity: Every individual deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and providing a safe and healthy work environment is a way of demonstrating this. The Health and safety culture of a company is an overall working environment that how the workers feel, behave, value, and show their attitudes toward health and safety. Moral, Legal and Financial 'Drivers' of Health and Safety Moral Drivers Morals are the codes of conduct, or rules of behaviour imposed by a society regarding what is right and wrong. In this video, we have discussed. As part of the improvement of health and safety, give what are the benefits of the accident investigation. Arranging and providing suitable health and safety training which is regularly refreshed and takes into consideration any changes to the workplace or processes since the attendees last undertook the training. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) publishes annual statistics of reported cases of workplace injury and illness. However, the planned maintenance shutdown is 12-months away. You have a dual role as an experienced and respected Process Operator and a representative of workers at a large, high hazard site, run by an international chemical manufacturing organization. Answer: From the formal and informal discussions, I have come to know that in thesubject workplace staff, workers, and even senior management do not know the importance of the near-miss investigation. The affected worker may get a serious injury, disability, or fatality, which will affect the life of the worker negatively. Management commitment to health and safety. The impacts on the families and dependents of persons who sustain injuries or illnesses brought on by their jobs are less evident but no less significant. Even so, there is still a lot of information taught on the course, some of which is quite complex and detailed like legislation and required processes/procedures. This depends on the relationship between the parties, as a duty of care is not owed to the world at large, but only to those who have a sufficiently proximate relationship. No demarcation and pedestrian in the parking area. Nov. 2016. The contract manager shall allocate and provide sufficient funds to meet the financial requirement to implement the health and safety management system. Due to the lack of health and safety management, comment on some of the costs that may be borne by the company. However people, in general, are now less tolerant of lack of health and safety. Employers must implement the proper safety procedures and guidelines to prevent and limit workplace injuries. No-one should leave for. The regulatory authorities may some restrictions on the operation of the business, and organizations may face enforcement or legal actions against it. Workplace safety is not evidenced at the ground, the working condition is not safe, as the parking area is very congested and unsafe parking of cars, non-functional floodlight in the night are contradicting health and safety policy. The working environment has all the ingredients that promote the negative safety culture in any organization. It was the duty of the respondent to provide a system of working his business which would not allow snails to get into his ginger-beer bottles, That it was also his duty to provide an efficient system of inspection of the bottles before the ginger-beer was filled into them, and, That he had failed in both these duties and had so caused the accident.. A summary of the risk assessment is circulated to all workers likely to be affected by the proposed modification. The operation manager shall arrange the safety meetings and safety inspection in his area of operations. After reviewing the details of the working environment, itis evident that the organization is not fulfilling its responsibility to provide a safe workplace for the workers. The NEBOSH General Certificate will cover the foundations of health and safety, including discussing the moral, legal and financial reasons for providing health and safety training to staff members, not to mention creating and promoting a positive health and safety culture within the organisation. Encourage the workers to report all types of incidents, without thinking of being blamed. For instance, if the workers witness a sever injury, they may experience a psychological impact such as fear, anxiety, panic, shock, and post-traumatic stress disorder. This allows effective resolution of complaints. The corporate management team includes a very experienced senior engineer with 25-years company service. You have. Near miss give us the opportunity without any loss to reach a hidden problem which otherwise we might not be able to know, and we can adjust our safety system. 1. One of the main reasons for having health and safety in the workplace is a Moral reason. Second, a health and safety management system can be used to identify and correct any safety hazards that occur. The management does not look committed to those what they have written in the policy. The contract manager shall make a safety walkthrough program to know the health and safety issue and cooperate to solve the problems. Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 - Regulations 3, 4, 5 and 7 Health and Safety at Work etc. Unsafe working conditions in the parking area and they have never done the risk assessment is a violation of The health and safety at work act 1974 (HASWA) that require to do the risk assessment to protect the workers from the risks to their health and safety. I will design the following programs for the workers that will improve the health and safety culture. Management commitment and involvement have a positive impact on the health and safety culture of the working environment, and they must play their due role. The health and safety committee now look at consultation within the company. . Organization do not have any incident accident reporting system, there is a high potential of having an accident in car parking, which can lead to a broken bone or fatal accident.
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