(John 17:18). Why did the angel tell John not to do this? It begins with the shout of a vast multitude in heaven. After the destruction of Babylon at Man on the earth has his portion in the goodness of a God who is manifesting His kingdom. I would like to say a few words about this "fine linen". The redeemed in heaven are called God's "Bond Servants", and this is the group And it was so. Revelation 19:19 KJV | King James Version | New Christian Bible Study Revelation | Verse By Verse Ministry International "All three of the figures in this verse are representations of the word of Christ, by which he executes with indisputable authority the judgment of God. All this description closes in verse 5. all the faithful believers saved by grace through faith up to the birth of the Chapter 19 of Revelation is the only place in the Bible that this name describing God is used. This tells what Christ is depicted as doing in this scene. In verse 1, this great voice from heaven was whom? But this passage confronts us with something which became of very great importance in the worship of the Church. He came to the world, and avenged His people on the beast and the false prophet with the kings and their armies; and after that the risen saints reign with Him over it a thousand years. There was never a time when the Christian was called upon to undergo such suffering and to accept so continually the prospect of a cruel death. It is not the gospel, nor the Holy Spirit, but the lawless revived Latin empire with its vassal kingdoms of the west, that combine and destroy Babylon. to Top, Other Books of the Bible 19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. I do not doubt that there was a corrupt form in connection with Israel in times past. What does Revelation chapter 19 mean? | BibleRef.com After the destruction of Babylon religious and commercial, chapter seventeen and eighteen. There was judicial discernment with the distinct possession of all titles to sovereignty. But whatever subsisted then, that which the Spirit here presents as a whole cannot be found realized at any point of time in the past. The marriage symbolism runs all through the Gospels. It does not hinder, of course, that in the judgment of the dead each man is judged for his own sin. He destroys the assembled rebels who have gathered together against Him. It is not into a wilderness the prophet is carried, but he is set on "a mountain great and high," and shown not the great, but. It is not meant that he who was more honoured in service than any of the twelve, he whom the Lord used for bringing out the church of the heavenly places, will not have his own most singular dignity in this glorious scene. . at Revelation 14:19; while here we have the fuller phrase, the winepress of the wine of - CBSC, he will tread the wine press of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty . 11:2; Eph. And the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints. There is a scripture that would indicate maybe two hundred million.And that is when the blood will flow to the horses bridle all the way through the Valley of Megiddo clear on down to Edom through the valley of Jehoshaphat as they gather together against the Lord and His anointed. We know the Holy Spirit rather as a spirit of communion with Christ. worship him. The glory of the kingdom does not preserve when men in their natural state are exposed to the adversary. It is very evident, therefore, that the saints in a glorified state are here represented as following the Lord out of heaven. Like a novel, the storyline builds from front to back, with the characters, themes and plot elements introduced early and developed across many chapters. After that His Earthly Kingdom (see article Kingdom The color of crushed grapes reminded the ancients of blood, death, and battle! The weapons of this warfare are described in Ephesians 6:12. But in the time really contemplated here all this political shuffling will be over. Christ will come in glory to judge and rule. After so many sorrows, trials, difficulties, dangers, how sweet to have such a word, and to know that He who speaks is the holy and the true, and surely about to come in the faithfulness of His love! 227-28.] The chronological progression of events on earth resumes from Revelation 16:21. ( Revelation 18:20). Consequently Christianity, as being directly aggressive on the falsehood of heathenism, was of all things the most offensive to Rome. Here is one of the most dramatic moments in the Revelation, the emergence of the conquering Christ. to heaven. church (Acts 2:1ff). The "saved" is a term which, so far from belonging to the nations, is expressly applied to the Jewish remnant when it is a technical term. They are not part of the body of Christ. We have here a note of time of signal value. It has been suggested that the name is either embroidered on his girdle or engraved on his sword hilt. Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.". The person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Redeemer, is in the centre of these future events. It should not be "and which had not," but rather, "and those who had not worshipped the beast, nor his image, neither had received his mark upon their forehead, and on their hand; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." And because of this there is great rejoicing in heaven. One of the most approved axioms is, that kingdoms are just like men in this respect, that they begin, rise, and fall. We usually pronounce it JEHOVAH; but the vowels in Jehovah are really those of the Hebrew word 'Adonay ( H136) , which means Lord, the name by which the Jews called God in order to avoid pronouncing the sacred name. Here we have described to us the visions of The Conquering Christ (19:11-16), the judgments of the beast and of the false prophet and of Satan (19:17-20:10), the judgment of the wicked (20:11-15), the visions of the New heaven, the New earth and the New Jerusalem (20:16-22;5). Enduring Word Bible Commentary Revelation Chapter 22 Here, on the other hand, is something which is valid for all time. To this the vision now proceeds at verse 17. Religion is threatened by life, by spiritual life.So, God has judged that religious system and has avenged the blood of His servants at her hands. And of course all of our finest scientific equipment could not locate such a thing there in the heart of the earth. There is nothing like the joy of loving and of being loved. A mighty angel takes a stone and says, when he cast it into the sea, "Thus with violence shall be thrown down Babylon the great city, and shall be found no more at all." There is a contrast with the scarlet and gold of the great harlot. Acts 10:25-26). They which are called: This is not the bride (the church), but the guests. This explains, it seems to me, the wounded head that was afterwards healed. Capnionis, which was used by Erasmus, and lately discovered after a long obscurity by Dr. Delitzsch, reads (not ) . This is a metaphor of the power of the gospel or of Gods spoken word (cf. He knows 4. Revelation Commentary : Chapter Nineteen The ensigns of his authority, his coat of arms--a name written on his vesture and thigh, King of kings, and Lord of lords, asserting his authority and power, and the cause of the quarrel, Revelation 19:16; Revelation 19:16. The "testimony of Jesus" is what the whole Bible is about. Thus there is a completeness and perfection about it suited to its present character. Revelation 6 Verse By Verse Bible Study Guide With Discussion Questions Revelation 6 Bible study guide with verse by verse teaching, applications, and discussion questions to supercharge your study of the Word. Revelation 19:5 "And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all It isn't that you have been faithful in your devotions, and you have witnessed to so many people, and read so many chapters of the Bible, and spent so many hours in prayer, and you have done all of the religious devotional things, not that at all. If you preach on prophecy, you are bringing the testimony of Jesus. It also means genuine, as opposed to that which is unreal. And the devil that deceiveth them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where both the beast and the false prophet [are], and they shall be tormented day and night unto the ages of the ages.". It is "His story". Once again John finds his model in the words of the Old Testament, for that is a quotation from Psalms 135:1; Psalms 135:20. Second, he alone has that purity which can judge without prejudice. Though the divine vengeance will chiefly fall upon the beast, and the false prophet, yet it will be no excuse to those who fight under their banner that they only followed their leaders and obeyed their command; since they would fight for them, they must fall and perish with them. "Alive the two were cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone." John here was so awed by all of this that he fell at this angel's feet to Now we find the symbol of the bride brought before us, and the elders and the living creatures disappear. God in His providence did sanction the great empires of old; and the principle continues as long as the church is here below. We. So He sent this revelation by the angel to John. This exclamation, meaning Praise the Lord, occurs frequently in the Old ceremony. Four beasts: The four beasts are the cherubim as described (in Rev. In Daniel's time it was not at hand. We have been washed in His blood, and we have on our white The angelic host sings a second Hallelujah. The bride represents those that are spoken of in the normal possession and enjoyment of their privileges. 5:10). . This is what nations have been constantly occupied with, lest any one power should become the beast. The thousand years of peace and plenty will have given occasion for an ever-growing population, spite of a world thinned by divine judgments which open that era. In Judaism there was increasingly stressed the transcendence of God, because of that it was increasingly felt that man needed some intermediary. And there (or they) are seven kings." Not that any of those judged (and the scene described is solely a resurrection of judgment) are said to be written there: we are shown rather that they were not found in that book. Afrikaans; Alemannisch; ; ; ; Azrbaycanca; ; Bn-lm-g; ; Bikol Central At the beginning there will have been carnage, as we know, among both the western powers and the eastern powers. They have long waited for the time when God's justice would triumph. If a person drew from this, for instance, that the boast was to carry the woman, Babylon, when it had as a fact all that is meant by the seven heads and the ten horns, it would be an error. "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse." It is by his word that God created the earth and the heavens and everything in them. unrighteousness. And He is called the True witness. These things were Christs return, Satans capture, Satans binding, the Millennium, Satans final end, the last judgment, and the new heavens and earth, including the New Jerusalem. The marriage feast will take place on earth following Christ's return with the In ancient times, a marriage was the single greatest celebration and social Then heaven is opened, and for a sight most solemn. "That day" does not mean a time when everybody will be converted, but when the Lord Jesus will govern righteously when overt evil will be judged, and good be sustained perfectly for a thousand years. The Bible with its 66 books can be compared to a novel having 66 chapters. The horns have constantly opposed each other, and even sometimes the pope. Scripture and facts refute all such theories. In Wisdom there is a description of the plagues in Egypt, and in particular of the slaying of the first-born sons of the Egyptians: "Thine Almighty Word leaped down from heaven out of thy royal throne, as a fierce man of war, into the midst of a land of destruction, and brought thine unfeigned commandment as a sharp sword, and standing up filled all things with death; and it touched the heaven, but it stood upon the earth" ( Wis_18:15-16 ). heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the Verse 2. "Crowns and thrones may perish Kingdoms rise and wane But the Church of Jesus Constant will remain. We'll study the Book of Revelation, explained in detail, and learn about every aspect of the Book of Revelation including the apocalypse, four horsemen, great tribulation, great white throne judgement, mark of the beast and so much more! Yet religion, be it ever so corrupt, acts as a restraint on human will, as a government does, however evil. After "the nations" in verse 24 omit the words "of them which are saved." When a person dies, it will be a positive curse from God; if he die even a hundred years old, it will be like a baby dying now. But all this will be a great reversal of man's history and political maxims. If that is so of human words, how much truer it is of the divine word. (faithful to Jesus). The principle upon which this verse-by-verse study of Revelation proceeds, is that the contents of the book are, in the main, yet future and that the fulfillment of the greater part of Revelation cannot take place as long as the Church remains here on earth. The spiritual power is wholly in the hands of the false prophet. Otherwise, it is called in the scriptures, Gehenna, which is the final abode for the unrighteous dead. In presence of grace I do not think this is for His glory, any more than for their own blessing. What confusion! So we find the Lord has room for all that is the fruit of His own grace only, for the appeal of grace, even when there is not the answer to it. From his mouth . No. The son is doubly guilty, because he saw his father's nakedness and felt it enough to hide. the church. "And he said unto me, It is done. We find, accordingly, the four and twenty elders and four living creatures here brought before us for the last time. What does the linen garment tell us about salvation? 10 million Ukrainians without power because of Russia. Thus the name of Christ, not merely as the root and the offspring of David, but as the bright morning star, calls out responsively the heart of the church, and this too under the guiding activity of the Holy Ghost. The bride breathes out this word to the bridegroom; and the Holy Ghost it is that gives strength to her desire that He should come. "Hallelujah!" It is the eternal state; and also, in fact, the fullest description of that state which is furnished in the Bible. . I am not raising any question about the ten. So, Jesus was at odds with the religious leaders of His day and they are the ones that prompted His crucifixion.
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