Prayer For Canonization Of Pope John Paul Ii. Your Word Promises to guive us our hearts desires, do it now Abba Father God Lord. Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation. Be subject for the Lords sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. Oh, that they may see Jesus! 50+ Uplifting Prayers for A Successful Election Campaign Election Day Bible Verses Does your single monetary contribution to a favorite ministry keep it going? Prayer For Competition Marvelous time with God just now because of your writing and sharing steps, verses and faith in His Mighty Hand of power, authority and love for us! WebThe Election Our Hope Your Kingdom Purpose in America Matthew 6:9-10 Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Psalm 33:10-11 The LORD foils the plans For when you did awesome things that we did not expect, you came down, and the mountains trembled before you. (2 Thes 3:3, Ps 34:7), 12. You move in the hearts of people to accomplish your sovereign will. Ive never prayed for my team to win. Give our leaders wisdom to create solutions that empower people living in poverty to survive and thrive. -Oh Lord of love and power, kindly stay by the side of the prospective candidates from different parties such that they can organize a successful election campaign where they can explain that their agendas are more trustworthy than others and can try their best to pursue the confidence of the common people. There is much chaos, unrest, happening in our Nation, enough to discourage people to not go to the polls today but Father we pray for a spirit of courage to rise within them and we pray for Your protection over them as they cast their vote. Coronavirus has brought about gathering restrictions, and, without physically going to the polls, many are concerned that the exclusive use of mail-in ballots will produce an untrustworthy result. Show us how to listen with open and humble hearts, especially to people different from us. I am proud to call you my fellow believer!!! Grant those who vote a clear vision of the difference between candidates. Dear Father God, We thank you for Jesus and we pray that any deception over our brothers and sisters be broken. United States of America and let there be Cane Ridge type grade or greater all over the country! Fill out Are we becoming more like Jesus by the power of the Spirit? Holy, mighty and righteous God, we lift this election up to You. -Oh Lord, you are all humble and wise; I pray to you kindly shower your blessings on the prospective candidates of the respective parties and grant them your strength such that they can face difficult challenges in their path towards hosting a successful election campaign without giving up. Prayer We love You, Jesus! Fears of tampering by foreign influences have brought both Republicans and Democrats to the boiling point. We know that this is cheating and fraudulent ballots. She has a blog on Prayer They were successful in framing a design that has lasted 244 years. A full and fair weight you shall have, a full and fair measure you shall have, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. Lord God, the enemy is trying to tip the scale in their favor by cheating with fraudulent ballots in this election. We prayed, we campaigned for the platform that upholds Your Name and Your precepts, and we voted for the platform that honors Your Word. The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them. For your names sake Jesus, pour out Truth on us; What we think, speak, hear, repeat, dwell on, remember. Thats all I know. Allow love to grow, rather than resentment. We humble ourselves before You as we intercede for our Nation during these troubled times and today being an election day. READ MORE Senator Challenges Asylum Policy, READ MORE FCC Proposes Anti-Text Scam Policy, READ MORE Senate Minority Leader Supports Increased Defense Spending, READ MORE Energy Department Awards $7 Million for Truck Decarbonization, Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions of Use, Senate Minority Leader Supports Increased Defense Spending, Energy Department Awards $7 Million for Truck Decarbonization, Presidents Today Schedule August 25, 2020, Mint Director Asks for Help with Coin Shortage. Help us O Lord! As King David wrote, the nation whose God is the Lord is blessed. Allow decisive and overwhelming victories five points up for Your candidates, five points down and out for those who are not Your candidates. Deuteronomy 1:13 says, Choose for your tribes wise, understanding, and experienced men, and I will appoint them as your heads.. Prayer We stand together as ONE IN JESUS. ELECTION Please save this country from the evil plots against this election. It is not over until it is over. However, Christians are not truly citizens of this world, but are just passing through to an eternal home. You alone are God and worthy of all our praise. We are the true government with the authority of Christ if we would just be more aware of that and stop being so full of false humility. that they may uphold fairness, honesty and truth. Protect their families from sickness, bitterness, and discouragement. We pray all these things in the Name of our King and Redeemer, Lord Jesus Christ! What Does It Mean That There Is No One Holy Like God? Remind us to rest in the knowledge that You are Omniscient & Omnipresent. No matter what LORD I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU REVEAL YOURSELFEVERYTHING IS BUILDING BUILDING BUILDING AND YOU HAVE MANKINDS BEST INTEREST AT HEART BECAUSE YOU SO LOVED US SO SO SO LOVED US THAT YOU GAVE JESUS WHO WAS SO FULL OF LIFE HE HAD TO WILL HIMSELF TO BE EMPTIED OF LIFE FOR OUR SAKES. On February 21, the IPC minister had asked the NC to announce a date for the PFF elections in a weeks time, warning that the government may approach FIFA over the matter. Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. Look at the power of prayerDerek Prince has been with the Lord many years now, and his prayer is still being answered, these many years later! Lord, we ask all these things, believing them to be Your will and believing them to be for Your glory, in the precious all-prevailing name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Savior. Please give them the strength to endure criticism and scrutiny. Make America Godly Again FOR ONE AND ALL and even more Kingdom like than ever in our History. Something went wrong. I only pray believing You hear and Answer, Yes and Amen and so in Jesus Name I say, So Be It. May you bring to the light for your Namesake, as you have appointed this nation to be a beacon of light to the nations of the world. Thank you for this reference. The authors first name was John. We are your people and you are our God. May your will be done. In the Bible, You tell us that to be a leader, he or she must also be a servant; please instill a spirit of servanthood in both candidates in all their future endeavors, whether they win this election or not. LORD I pray that Your perfect Shalom would cover the United States this week and put the people in awe of You. Pray for physical protection for our President, Vice President, all candidates, and current leaders during this time. Lord Jesus save our country from tyranny of evil government. Amen. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. Money Prayers that Work Instantly Most Holy Mother, we beg you to reclaim this land for the glory of your Son. Help them to present their agendas clearly and honestly. Ahead of Election Day, a record 244,000 early vote were cast. All rights reserved. I ask this in the Name thats more POWERFUL AND ABOVE THAN ANY OTHER NAME, JESUS! Amen. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. Please be the Lord over this nation above all else. God of all nations, Father of the human family, we give you thanks for the freedom we exercise. WebIn preparation for Election Day, Priests for Life calls upon believers to say this prayer each day. How to Win an Election Help us to remember that ultimately, nothing is out of Your control. Thank you for president Trump and his family, thank you for justice and peace through our election process. We ask that candidates running for election would speak out about poverty and listen to the voices of the vulnerable. AMEN! An election win for President Trump will not mean a resolution of all the problems in America today, barring some kind of massive upheaval and quelling of opposition forces in every quarter nationally and internationally. by Ed Vasicek. Remind them that You are sovereign and that the wisest choice we can make is to serve You and serve others. Please prevent the hardening of hearts, especially between believers. We thank You for the godly seeds that have been sown over the centuries by men of faith who have followed in Your footstepslabored, sacrificed, prayed, and given for Your kingdom. A representative government is a good thing. Fill all places now vacated with Your Holy Spirit and send the ministering angelic spirits to guide each one to the righteous vote for Your candidates for every office, from President to dogcatcher. Every four years, a citizen takes an oath and becomes the president without insurrection. We declare and decree that the Lord will prevail and His people will be victorious in this election, in Jesus mighty name. An Election Prayer to Mary Anyone who votes for the Democrats is agreeing to the possible murder by abortion of their grandchilds future spouse! Help us to remember the results of this election are only important for a brief moment in time, but the more important work is to be done for the eternal kingdom. We ask for minds and hearts that are open to hearing the voice of leaders who will bring us closer to your Kingdom. ask for. The complete audio of the call is below, followed by a transcription of one of Stephanie's prayers. Abba, in Yeshuas name please stop the evil and dishonesty. Bless it and keep it strong. You are worthy of all praise and all honor and all glory for ever and ever! The Litany concludes with one or both of these prayers: Lord of every time and place, God beyond our dreaming, Thank you God YOU are leading this battle to VICTORY! Required fields are marked *. , Lord we pray that you answer our prayers to give President Trump four more years to help save this country and our world from the devils that are trying to take over world and we pray for our babies for our rights for freedom of religion and we pray for peace praying that their are no riots and a peaceful transition into the presidency thank you Lord Jesus Christ Amen, No matter what we see. Web2. May other Nations look upon America and see LOVE FOR ONE AND FOR ALL. One of your last guests mentioned a book he had written but I did not get the name of the book. I thank You that, when Id begin to fear and get anxious about the election results, Your sweet Holy Spirit reminds me of Your Word: Be still and KNOW THAT I AM GOD! What peace comes upon my soul! Father we cry out for Mercy over this nation. -Oh Heavenly Father, kindly shower your blessings on all the prospective candidates from different potential parties such that they can host a successful election campaign and can put forward their agendas in front of the common people to win over their confidence. En Espaol Print Download PDF. For leaders who serve the common good, Thank you for finding the words. Prayer for Your Local Candidates Center for Christian Civics