The United Kingdom's aid budget is to be effectively cut by 580 million ($800 million) in 2022, after it was revealed that canceling debt owed by Sudan will count toward the nation's reduced . Through its donor contributions, IDA aims to reduce poverty by providing concessional loans and grants for programs that boost economic growth, reduce inequalities, and improve peoples living condition. Humanitarian Aid - 1,536 million (15.0% of total UK bilateral ODA). 2019: In 2019, the volume of bilateral ODA to Asia was 2,470 million, increasing by 10.5% or 235 million from 2018 (Figure 4). The report finds that, partly as a result, in 2021 UK bilateral aid spending in least developed countries (LDCs) decreased to 1.4bn, which represented about 12% of the aid budget. From January 24, 2022, to January 15, 2023, the United States provided around 73.2 billion euros in bilateral financial . Former international development secretary Andrew Mitchell has tabled an amendment . These broad sectors can then be further grouped into major sectors, bringing together related themes to help simplify the key messages. In 2016, the UK spent 13.4 billion on overseas aid, in line with the 0.7% target. Improvements to the system are being considered but for this publication, where this is the case spend is reported as bilateral ODA spend with no single benefitting country or region (section 4.1.5). The largest OGD shares of ODA were: the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) (6.3% of ODA); the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (4.5%), the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (4.3%); and the Home Office (3.0%), the largest non-departmental sources (referred to as Other UK Contributors of ODA in Figure 3) were non-DFID EU attribution (3.2% of UK ODA) and Gift Aid claimed by charities working on ODA eligible activities (1.0% of UK ODA). This spend in the top 5 countries represents 28.3% of the total country-specific UK bilateral ODA in 2019, a slight reduction from 2018 when they comprised 31.2% of the total (Figure 6), in 2019 the top 3 recipients of UK bilateral country specific ODA were Pakistan (305m), Ethiopia (300m) and Afghanistan (292m) (Figure 6). Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF). , GNI is monitored using forecasts published by the independent Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) to manage the 0.7% commitment, See background note (p. 43) in SID 2017, See OECD, Aid Statistics, Methodology webpage. , Statistics on International Development, Final UK Aid Spend, 2019, p. 18, Figure 5, Figure 18 is based on the provisional 2019 ODA data from all 29 DAC member countries, except the UK for which final 2019 ODA data is used. The UKs share of total DAC ODA was 12.7 per cent. Humanitarian Aid was the largest sector of ODA spend in 2019 (Figure 12). The rank (1:10) is on the y-axis, ODA spend (million ) is on the x-axis. Budget Review 2020-21 Index. In 2014, China's aid flows were officially estimated at over $4 billion per yearsimilar in volume to Canada or Norway, and about a third of the size of the UK's aid budget. The percentage share of total bilateral ODA of the five largest sectors in 2019 was 66.3%, a slight increase from 2018 (67.8%). These extra details allow the ODA spend to be quality assured using guidance from OECD. The data used for ODA flows by recipient countries is for 2018. B. Dark blue = Pakistan, light blue = Ethiopia, grey = Afghanistan, pink = Yemen, teal = Nigeria. This share was still below the 2017 level of 28.1%, of the non-DFID contributors, Other Government Departments (OGDs) ODA accounted for 22.4% of total UK ODA, their largest share over the last 10 years. When DFID or other UK government departments provide core funding to multilateral organisations, the funding is pooled with other donors funding and disbursed as part of the core budget of the multilaterals. During a consultation conducted in 2014, users told us that they use the statistics for a variety of purposes: preparing material for briefs; PQs and public correspondence; inclusion in reports and reviews and providing data for research and monitoring. Foreign aid budget 'raided' by Home Office to pay for refugee hotels The DAC publish detailed information of the multilaterals country and sector spending in December. Foreign aid could be slashed to balance the books. The fall reflected the Government's decision to reduce aid spending from 0.7% to 0.5% of Gross National Income (GNI) as a "temporary measure" in response to the pandemic's effects on the UK's public finances and economy. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. Table 3 shows the 20 multilateral organisations that received the most core funding (Multilateral ODA) from the UK in 2018 and 2019. The Government slashed the foreign aid budget from 0.7% to 0.5% of UK national income in 2021. . Developing Countries. Other government departments will continue to publish throughout this period. Total bilateral aid to Ukraine by country & type 2023 | Statista foreign aid - Encyclopedia Britannica | Britannica It covers the total amount of UK ODA spent in 2019, the calculation of the ODA:GNI ratio, longer-term spending trends, breakdowns of UK ODA spend by main delivery channel, and by Government Departments and other contributors. Note that provisional 2019 spend from other DAC donors is used in this chart. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Seven of the top ten country-specific ODA increases from 2018 were seen in LDC/Other LICs (Yemen, Bangladesh, South Sudan, Uganda, Afghanistan, Mozambique and Zambia), LDCs and Other LICs continue to account for the largest proportion of bilateral country-specific ODA spend in 2019 at 56.4%, UK ODA to LMICs represented 29.7 per cent (1,488m) of UK country specific bilateral ODA in 2019, compared to 32.3% (1,458m) in 2018, total UK bilateral ODA received by UMICs increased by 136 million to 694 million in 2019. The final ODA data and an updated GNI estimate for 2019 released by the ONS in June have been used to calculate the final ODA:GNI ratio in this publication and to report to the OECD. Accordingly, they enable individual donor governments, such as the UK, to support development and humanitarian work in a wider range of countries. Figure 14: Bilateral ODA by largest Major Sector for the top 10 country-specific ODA recipients, 2019. Figure 14 provides an overview of the highest spending sector for each of the top 10 recipient countries of UK bilateral ODA in 2019. The UK aid budget sits at around 11 billion, which includes 4 billion going to multilateral . 4. Since 2013, UK ODA has continued to increase in line with growth in the UKs GNI. It comes after Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab set out the allocations for UK ODA spending for 2021-22 to MPs, with the government acting on its decision to cut the UK's annual foreign aid . This allows you to filter projects by country and sector and view further details about the project as published in documents such as the business case and annual review. Ed Miliband, 9 June 2021. This shift in share was in part driven by the decrease seen in the UKs core contributions to multilaterals as well as the actual increase in bilateral ODA spend. UK aid budget gets de facto $800 million cut for 2022 | Devex Additional Tables and Annexes are available. Figure 1 legend: The blue bars are the UK ODA spend from 1970 to 2019, the pink line is the calculated ODA:GNI ratio from 1970 to 2019 and the grey dashed line is the 0.7% ODA:GNI target set by the United Nations General Assembly in 1970. FCDO will move to the new framework at the start of 2020, the next full calendar year, for managing and reporting 2020 ODA spend. The users represent the government, civil society and non-government organisations, students and academia and the media. Figures for DAC donors final 2019 ODA will be published in December. The quality assurance Annex 3 describes the steps that have been taken by FCDO statisticians to minimise these kinds of input errors, and to produce UK ODA statistics. This reflects that core contributions to multilaterals, are in general, based on multi-year commitments which may not be uniformly spread across years, 10,258 million of UK ODA spend was delivered through bilateral channels. The OECD statistics provide ODA breakdowns for DAC donors (including multilaterals). by bilateral through multilateral ODA (earmarked funding) and core contributions to multilateral organisations (un-earmarked funding). 2. Individual departments that bid for funding are accountable for their own spending and delivery under the given fund. Britain still gives mega-rich China 51.7million in foreign aid despite promises to end the handouts. This information is primarily inputted by spending teams in DFID country offices and central departments, with some quality assurance carried out at input and centrally to ensure that spend is in line with OECD definitions of ODA ii) Other Government Departments and contributors some of which have similar databases to record ODA transaction data. Total ODA from DAC country donors in 2019 was 119.7 billion (grant-equivalent measure), an increase from 115.1 billion in 2018. The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office is now responsible for producing the Statistics on International Development statistical series, the designation of National Statistics carries through to the new Department. United States foreign aid, also known as US foreign assistance consists of a variety of tangible and intangible forms of assistance the United States gives to other countries. Highlighted countries are those in receipt of UK bilateral ODA, and colours are based on amount received (dark blue=higher amounts UK Bilateral ODA received, light blue=lower amounts UK Bilateral ODA received). For example, DFID contributed 112 million to the Global Partnership for Education, a multilateral organisation supporting close to 70 developing countries to ensure that every child receives a quality basic education, 11.8% was classed as Other, which includes Other Technical Assistance and Basket Funds. developing country, unspecified ODA) (Figure 11). As outlined above, these include programmes where there are designated benefitting countries or regions, but it is not possible to directly assign exact spend to them in the current administrative system, 22.0% of spend within this category consists of expenditure in the UK or another donor country (e.g. The figure presented for the Welsh Assembly Government represents their estimated spend for the financial year 2019/20 and are used as a proxy for their calendar year 2019 spend. It outspends the next largest, Germany, by more than $10 billion a year; the United Kingdom, Japan, and France follow. It also consists of ODA-eligible expenditure within donor countries, such as the ODA-eligible portion of costs to support asylum seekers and refugees in the UK. Top 5 country-specific recipients of UK ODA, Figure 6: Top 5 country-specific bilateral ODA recipients, 2009-2019. BEISs ODA includes spend on International Climate Finance, jointly managed with FCDO and DEFRA. Much of the humanitarian aid budget will be focused on countries most at risk of famine such as Yemen, Syria . Within Health, the top three spending areas in 2019 were Medical Research (339m), Family Planning (252m) and Infectious Disease Control (182m). The difference is due to official loan reflows not being included under the grant equivalent measure. A report from the International Development Committee said the world's poorest countries were being "short-changed" by the government as the "political . 3-min read. For more details see background note on ODA spending and reporting. Whilst the majority of funding is delivered via multi-year programmes or spending commitments, each year the CSSF reviews its spending via the allocations process. warning that according to one estimate from the Centre for Global Development aid spending on in . Finally, the Scottish Governments Climate Justice Fund helps tackle the effects of climate change in the poorest, most vulnerable countries, with a 3m budget. Nigeria (US$359 million), South Sudan (US$288 . Figure 13: Bilateral ODA by Government Department and Major Sector, 2019. Between the spring and the autumn, the previous years ODA spending of government departments are finalised. Figure 1 shows the total amount of UK ODA spending each year since 1970. For example, support to the World Food Programmes (WFP) Emergency Operations in Yemen, other bilateral: this is earmarked ODA spent directly by governments or through other delivery partners, such as Non-Governmental and Civil Society Organisations, research institutions and universities. This report contains the release of finalised UK ODA spend figures for the calendar year 2019, including: Comparisons between 2018 and 2019 ODA figures are made, as well as trends over the last 5 years (2015 to 2019 inclusive as shown in most tables). Core contributions to multilateral organisations: A full breakdown of UK ODA by Government Department and Other Contributors of UK ODA and delivery channel in 2015, 2018 and 2019 is available online in Table 10.